Sunday, 3 August 2008

The First Times

Today was the first time someone ever prayed for me in tongues.

It was after service, and I went down for alter call for the second time in my whole life (both at TCC). So generally, we were all singing a song as the leaders went around and prayed for us who were at the alter.

When my buzz group leader prayed for me, it was like, my stomach just heaved and the tears just leaked out of my eyes (which by the way, were still closed). I've never done that before...

I kept wondering, is that God?

In my whole 13 years of life on earth, it was the first time I was prayed for, and of course, the first time I cried when someone prayed for me.

Oh yeah, and when we were told to join hands all across the room and pray for the person on our left and on our right, my stomach heaved again and another drop came from my left eye.

I'm seriously being too emotional here, though I don't remember being sad or over happy...

Well, just a note, right now, it's so warm that I'm sweating more than I was shedding tears. Hmm, currently my whole neck is wet, there perpiration rolling down the side of my head AND my jawline and at the same time tickling my neck. I can actually feel the trailing of the sweat in my forest/messy jungle of hair.

Just a note for myself: 2, 0.5

Ok. You guys won't understand this. It's just a note I made to remind me of something.

Thanks for reading!