Saturday 28 February 2009

Flashing Gravestone

Met up extremely reluctantly at school for Bio PT discussion because we really needed it. Haven't even started even though it's been almost a month...oh goodness...

Spent hours finalizing the details of our creatures figuring out the relationships etc. Wait, it was only one hour. Hm, time seemed to drag on while we sat at a non-sticky, non-bird shit infested, and non-warm table. Anabelle's criteria, my choice.

We then trooped down to Bras Basah (sp?) and scrambled all over the place, finally patronizing Art Friend for an hour searching for suitable materials and sorting out what styrofoam thingy is better for each creature after looking around Popular and reserving 2 styrofoam sheets which we thought were expensive but turned out extremely cheap in comparison to the others sold in the area.

I'm pretty happy with my purchase, but I spent the most at S$10.55...yikes.

I have screwed up 27% of my life (liar, I screwed up at least 80%...)

Tagged by Isaac. Seriously. Of all people, me? I'm one of the most boring persons...anyway, here goes nothing.

Percentage of my life I had turned into a jumbled mess:

[ ] Gotten detention. (goodness no!)
[ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class. (ha, you wish)
[ ] Gotten suspended. (no way. Ever. But it would be fun to miss a day of school...)
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum. ( chewing gum ever made it out of my house unless they're gonna be incinerated...)
[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test. (too pure, too pure)
Total: 0

[ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times. (hmm, maybe I have...but I can't be sure. It's usually Bio cuz it's either in the lab or after PE...)
[X] Didn’t do homework over 5 times (c'mon, don't tell me you've NEVER...)
[ ] Turned at least 3 projects in late (ha, I'm too nerd for that...but Bio PT may just be turned in late...)
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it. (what the?)
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class. (lol. I'd like that...but what's there to laugh at? Chinese teacher's dress sense? Actually, I'd get quite a kick out of that, yeah...)
Total : 1

[ ] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school. (I wish I were sick enough or had lesser pride than I do to skip school because of a terrible stomachache...)
[ ] Texted people during class. (Miss PIT Anabelle will book me for that. She's sitting right in front of me. *gag*)
[X] Passed notes. (acted as the go-between for Moira and Rachel...)
[ ] Threw stuff across the room. (like what? Paper pellets?)
[ ] Laughed at the teacher. (that'll be awesome...)
Total : 2

[ ] Pulled down the Fire Alarm. (go die. I'll get a straight SOM for that, I think)
[ ] Went on Myspace , Facebook , Xanga , etc. on the computer at school. (how come I never knew I had an account?)
[X] Took Pictures during school hours. (oh yeah, during ICT when we played with the Macs...)
[ ] Called someone during School hours.
[X] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc... During class. (oh! Back in Rosyth after PSLE. Too slack to do anything at all...)
Total : 4

[ ] Threw something at the teacher (I'll DIE)
[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission. (what the...)
[X] Broke the dress code. (oh yes I did. I forgot to bring my name tag and got booked. But hey! It's not my fault my memory got loose when I was a baby!)
[X] Failed a class. (ooh, you won't believe how many times I've failed it...)
[ ] Ate food during class. (during History. Miss Syazwani allowed it. Boring question...)
Total : 6

[ ] Gotten a call from school. (uh...)
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly. (do we even have field trips in RGS?)
[X] Didn’t take your stuff to school. (gah, happens all the time cuz my memory just sucks...almost had to 背诵诗 (did I use the correct words?)...brr.)
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go. (ha! never got booked more than once in each category before...)
[ ] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking. (goodness no! I could never do that! It's too unholy!)
[ ] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear (*raises eyebrow*)
Total : 7

[X] Faked your parents signature (ooh, I did that once in P2 when I was so afraid of being reprimanded for terrible 听写 grades...)
[ ] Slept in class. (almost. You won't believe how boring Geog was...maybe it was just the teacher factor...)
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face. (*gasps*)
[X] Copied homework (all the time. Nothing new. Mostly Maths from Rachel.)
Total: 9

take your answer x3


I have screwed up 27% of my life! (Er...tell me it's inaccurate...I thought most of my life was one whole screwy mess...)

repost as: I have screwed up ___% of my life

tag 10 ppl:
You *points*
You *points*
You *points*
And you, that pretty lady/handsome young man there! *catcalls*
-repeats 2.5 more times unless unsuccessful-

Hm, now let's take something out of AY's blog...I wasn't tagged, but whatever. Does this even have a tag system?

Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology"



What is your salad dressing of choice?
I don't eat salad...

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? home!

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
Nothing. I used to think I could stand wanton mee, but I got tired of it after a while. Don't even get me started about fast food. I eat it once, I can't take another bite of it until a week later...

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Meat, mince meat, ham, luncheon meat, more meat, button mushroom, lots of else is there?

What do you like to put on your toast?


How many television sets are in your house?
2, I think.

What color of cell phone do you have?
White and orange.


Are you right-handed or left-handed?
RIGHT! Though I want to be ambidextrous...

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Hm, hair, teeth, two of my toe nails (I do not mean that white part, I mean when your toe nail goes black because you hit something hard on it...), uh...saliva? Boogey?

What is the last heavy item you lifted?
That's hard. I can't remember. Perhaps my bottle? No wait. My bottle goes in my bag, so my bag would be the last heavy item I lifted! By the way, what's considered heavy?

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
Nope. Nada. But I have been unconscious before. 3 times, apparently. I'm fairly proud of it.


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Oh yes please. I'll know when to sabo mangakas to finish their serieses.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Let's see...Ferrero Rocher? I'm pretty happy with my name as it is, but it would be better if Mr Wong could pronounce it properly... Hey! maybe I could get a Jap name! Like Rei or something!

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
No freaking way. Curry burns my tongue. Tobasco kills.


How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
What's a flip flop? A slipper?

Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
I hope I never...

Last person you talked to?
My mum. She shouted to see if I was still awake...

Last person you hugged?
That's like ancient history!


AUTUMN! All the cruching of the leaves under your feet...ah...

Christmas? But seriously, my birthday should be celebrated globally so I can have the day off school...

Day of the week?
Saturday. Wake up late, sleep late, but that doesn't seem to be the case recently...

February and November. Feb: My B-day Nov: END OF EXAMS! Oh wait, exams begin in November too...


Missing someone?
Nope. I'm so unfeeling...

Neutral. No, I'm not like Mr. Leow. I do not go to the water cooler when I require services of the toilet.

What are you listening to?
Calming and soothing patter of rain and the most annoying TV that has some guy speaking in Chinese...

My hands typing and the words starting to appear. Oh look. It's the letter 'r'. No wait, it's '.' now...

Worrying about?
Nothing, really. Doesn't do me good to fuss over exams and study. If I don't get good grades I'll get depressed...


First place you went this morning?
Um, we all wake up in our rooms, right?

What's the last movie you saw?
I think it was Wall.E. Hey, but I watched snapshots of 'Legally Blonde' which my English teacher showed us. Is that counted as a movie?

Do you smile often?
Rachel says I'm possessed if I'm not all smiley and happy. What do you think?


1)Do you always answer your phone?
Um...usually no. I hate phones. They weigh down your pocket and are extremely irritating...

2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Oh goodness. I've died...

3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
Not changing, thank you, but I'll like it if my inner rim was a little more golden...

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at SonicSonic?
What's SonicSonic?

5) Do you own a digital camera?
My parents don't trust me with anything that is not attached to either me or the house...

6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yup. But they all died after a few days. It's rare they get to live past a month...

7) Favorite Christmas song?

8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
Manga! Preferably in English. Goodness knows the ratio of my Chinese manga to English. Oh, and Hikaru no Go, please. Pot can be in Chinese for all I care because the books I have now are in Chinese.

9) Can you do push ups?
Why'd you wanna know? But I'll have you know I can do the female standard quite well. About 20 at one go. Oh, but I can't do a single male one...

10) Can you do a chin up?
Um, when the bar is at 1m high?

11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
You mean death? Yes, I am excited about death. I'm going to heaven!

12) Do you have any saved texts?
What's that?

13) Ever been in a car wreck?
THAT"LL BE SO COOL! But I don't want to die yet.

14) Do you have an accent?
Don't we all? No one has the same style, right? And if it's different from others it's your own personal accent, right?

15) What is the last song to make you cry?
Do songs even make me cry? Oh wait, yes there's one. It's called 'Higher' by my church. It's awesome. Brought some emotions back to my unfeeling heart...God really touched me...

16) Plans tonight?
Go to sleep.

17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
What bottom? (I'm so ignorant to everything...)

18) Name 3 things you bought in the last week.
My lunch. A pen. Styrofoam.

19) Have you ever been given roses?
Goodness no! Who'd want them? They poke people, plus, they're flowers! (and they're pink!)

20) Current worry?

21) Current hate right now?

22) Met someone who changed your life?
'Course! God did, didn't he? And everybody else too. You know, like particles? Once you hit another you change directions...

23) How did you bring in the New Year?
Huh? Me? Oh no. I'm too insignificant to have the great New Year allow itself to be carried in by me!

24) What song represents you?
Can't think of any songs right now...

25) Name three people who might complete this?
Me! I'll finish it once I'm done with the next 2 questions! God may not have the time...what about you? You wouldn't mind right?

26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
Is that noon? Oh wait, night. I was...somewhere doing something...probably sleeping. I don't know if I sleepwalk...

27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Another freaking minute...


1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!4. Tag 5 ppl at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.

How are you feeling today?
Valley of the Damned by Dragonforce. Wow. I must be feeling really lousy...

Will you get far in life?
Stuck with Me by Green Day. Oh yes. My life will stick with me. If not, it wouldn't be my life, right?

How do your friends see you?
Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance. Oh goodness, I'm dead in their eyes...

Will you get married?
White Storm by Ensiferum. That's a no! *feels cheerful that any wedding I'll be in will be a disaster*

What is your best friend's theme song?
Jigga What/Faint by Linkin Park. It's a remix, and it's really vulgar. That's an absolute lie.

What is the story of your life?
Foreward by Linkin Park. Lol. This is just the start. Nothing interesting. Perhaps a few tinkling from broken shards?

What was high school like?
1STP KLOSR by Linkin Park. Remix again. Closer to what? The rat race? Death? Failure at jobs? What a dim future...

How can you get ahead in life?
Announcement Service Public by Linkin Park. Even I don't know what that is...

What is the best thing about your friends?
Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park. This has got to be the most contextually right answer...

What is in store for this weekend?
I'll Stand by You by...uh...I dunno. Stand by whatta?

What song describes you?
Born to Try by...I dunno who again. Sounds cool...but a tad to Philo, if you ask me.

To describe your grandparents?
1985 by Bowling for Soup. They'll still be old then. XD Yup. Old as ever.

How is your life going?
Closing Time by Semisonic. I'm gonna die? Well, they say the good die young!

What song will they play at your funeral?
Everlasting Love by...whoever. *GAG*. Lol, but my parents will still love me, and I them, right? I'll be in heaven keeping watch.

How does the world see you?
Colours of the Rainbow by guy-with-rough-and-totally-not-sexy-voice. Uh...I light up people's day with some calm happiness? I thought I was the hyper kind...

Will you have a happy life?
Here I am to Worship Call by Hillsong. FINALLY, a Christian song. I do live my life to worship, right?

What do your friends really think of you?
Pretty woman by extremely-ew-artiste. Goodness NO.

Do people secretly lust after you?
Cemetary Drive by My Chemical Romance. What, dead people?

How can I make myself happy?
In the End by Linkin Park. It's the same as AY! the end?

What should you do with your life?
No More Sorrow by Linkin Park. Great suggestion. Now if only there wasn't school...

Wil you ever have children?
Give 'Em Hell Kid by My Chemical Romance. Yeah! I'll give my kids hell if I ever have any, so best not to.


Friday 27 February 2009

Pandora's Titanic

Yesterday was a fairly normal school day with the exception of the fact that I said the s-word. *grabs head and screams the life out of herself*

It was during SAFMC meeting (we had another today) and I was dealing with some image stuff that required (if I remembered correctly) slightly more than a truckload full of patience, but I'm used to it. Anyway, somehow, the conversation led to pre-marital s**, but someone pronounced it wrongly, so I, being the ignorant stuck-up idiot I was, corrected them and actually said 'pre-marital s**' out loud...


It took me a while before it registered in my head what I had just said, which resulted in a very delayed 'Oh my gosh! I just said the s-word!'. Mel piped up that I had matured, and I shot her a look that plainly stated, "No freaking way. That was SO immature." But of course, the room was dark (we were somehow using the redundant projecter and enlarging our faces so huge you could actually count the number of black heads on my nose (kidding, the most is just the pimples).


Oh, that aside, today, I left SAFMC meeting early because I rescheduled the meeting with my church adult leader who had so awesomely decided to get off at Anderson Sec and ended up at the wrong school...whoever told her Anderson Sec and Anderson Road were in the same vacinity?

Anyway, so our meeting was delayed by at least 45 minutes as we tried desperately to clear up the confusion that didn't register until my leader told me she was at Anderson Sec...

During that period of waiting for her, I realized I had forgotten my jacket. My so terribly pink yet reliable and comfortable jacket, so I SMSed Rachel desperately, who told me that she had already left. Then I SMSed Fish after a while. She brought the jacket down for me, although she was on the other side of the Bus Stop Gate (as in in school still) while I was outside, so we had to throw the jacket over the fence. Lol. That was fairly cool.

So my adult leader and I met up, decided to take a trip to Far East and settle for lunch at KFC (where I had a pathetic but free meal of Shrooms Burger) and chatted for what seemed hours, though it was probably only 1. At KFC, I met Sophia and her friend. Sophia thought the adult leader was my mum...and the adult leader would burst into random crying fits when she remembers it. Pretty hysterical, if I should say so myself. XD

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Bloody Teddy


Maybe I'm a bit too hysterical right now...anyway, SAs were today, and I kind of totally screwed them up.

This morning on the school bus, I started experiencing stomachaches, which then developed to become more frequent before morning assembly, forcing me to...uh...use the toilet, to put it most nicely, or some might find it crude to the point of it being gross...

That aside, I spent the rest of morning assembly personifying a zombie that died, rose again, died, rose again, died, rose again, died, well, you get the point. I was pretty much a shell of what I usually am. Stupid, isn't it, what stomachaches can do to a person? Or am I just a tad more fragile than most people when it comes to gastric issues?

It surprises me to say, but with every exam that passed a little of what I was before is being revived. The E.Lit SA wasn't too bad, but I got stuck trying to figure out what 'diction' meant even though the meaning was staring right at me at point blank. Stupid, idiotic me. I spent the next 'long while' pondering on the first question, then deciding to write just what comes to my mind, thus hastening the process. Now isn't that nice, a rushed essay?

Well, after the exam, I felt a little more rejuvenated, though why, I am extremely curious to find out myself. It is not often that an exam perks one up, is it? Perphaps it was due to the restriction placed on my movements that allowed the 'life' to be cooped up so tightly they kinda burst into fireworks when the teacher said we could go.

Chinese came after recess which followed E.Lit. Terrible, I tell you, but for odd reasons absolutely well disguised from my awesome knowledge (no kidding, my mind HAS to be awesome to have exams perk me up...), even the lousy Chinese paper SUCEEDED in lifting my spirits by a bunch. Goodness, the apoccalypse has come...or at least taken a step nearer.

I felt the Chinese paper was easier than the practice papers, but that doesn't mean I'd get better grades, yes? Because for strange and magnificent reasons, I have so conveniently forgot how to write even the most basic 'xiao4 shun4' and 'ping3 (or is it pin3?) de2'. This is just great.

And did anyone ever get the feeling that you were writing a Lit essay while doing History? If yes, join the club. I have absolutely no idea what happened back there. Goodness, what kind of format did I use for History? I kept quoting the sources and wrote 'the readers would' for one of the elaborations (but of course, that was duly cancelled when I had noticed it [much to my distraught horror])! Aren't I just remarkable?

When the teacher let us go (FINALLY), I found out through subtle discussions with Rachel and the gang that I had so marvelously misinterpreted both questions 1 and 3. Wow, I have most definitely reached the peak of my education...gag. But seriously, who can be so stupid as to misread those stupid questions when they are so blatantly printed out in black on white?

No, wait, let me answer that question. Ans: Me. I'm not wrong, am I? Goodness knows what I've been doing all that time...eveything passed by as a blur and I am so sure I totally flunked History. Hey, if I even got a D for it, that would have been positively spiffing!

During lunch which came after History, Rachel mentioned that I was like a possessed person during morning assembly, looked like the living dead, she probably implied. I disputed immediately by saying that the me that I am now (the hyper-active one that anyone would simply love to get rid of) is the possessed one. You should see how black my face looked in my kindergarten graduation photo...far cry from the P1 one on my EZ-link...


Saturday 14 February 2009

Black Hearts; Black Minds


Oops. If there were my ballet class, I'd have lost at least 10 cents... the teacher suggested to have a 'swear jar' so that whenever someone sweared or cursed, we'd have to plonk 10 cents in. She came up with the idea when I kept exclaiming the same thing over and over again whenever I made a mistake (because I can't remember the steps)...


Anyway, yesterday, my brother gave me 'Manga Messiah' for my birthday! It's a manga version of the bible, revolving around Jesus' life, so it's basically all adapted from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. WAH! JESUS IS SO COOL! I saw it in the Funky B branch at my church and was totally attracted to it, probably because it's a manga, and a Christian one at that! How cool is that? I've always though the bible was boring, but hey, it's interesting now in this format!

"I now dub the book the 'MV', Manga Version!" You know, there's the NIV (New International Version), NKJ (New King James) etc. etc...

It's so awesome the way he makes his initial appearance. XD I'm a sucker for him now. He's the cool type of character, a bit cheerful, but mostly silent and definitely wise and upright. He's the perfect man, human, being, entity, whatever. He's too kind for his own good...but I probably shouldn't say this because without his sacrifice, I would likely end up in hell...ugh...

It's a bit westernized (what with all the colours), but still a great read for Christians who simply love manga, or even pre-believers! But if they read it before they read the bible, instead of finding 'Manga Messiah' interesting like I did, they'd find the bible you see the difference in the way we look at things? All my life I've known the bible, and then this book crops out and makes all Jesus does even more interesting, but pre-believers would find the bible dull in comparison to Manga Messiah and may lose interest.

DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? It's hard to put in words...I'm no good with them...I hate toying with words, finding new expressions...(Anabelle's good at it, especially if she's writing about erotic stuff...eww...)


*for the first time ever fangirls*

Thursday 12 February 2009

Manga Recommendation (XIII)

Title: Asklepios
Length: 19 Chapters
Mangaka: Uchimizu Touru

Medil, a family regarded as heretics by the local churches due to their methods of healing - surgery.

Biblos, a book in which the Medils have their patients sign their name in blood on. They have been told that when the book is filled with signatures, the church would recognize them as doctors.

Buzz is a boy who had been separated from his father for 2 years. Living in fear of being captured and killed, he initally refused his father's assistant's company as a bodyguard.

Rosary has been serving Thug Medil ever since her family was killed in the process of protecting the doctor. Her family has always served the Medils, assisting them in filling the Biblos.

Pare is a man Rosary and Buzz met at the beginning of the story who aspires to be surgeon. He originally believes that surgeons require strength and mocks Buzz, but changes his mind when Buzz reattached his arm after it was severed under a carraige wheel.

The story follows Buzz and his companions as he attempts to dodge from the Holy Knights (elite men of the church trained to fight) yet at the same time save lives under extreme situations, one including the lack of proper facilities resorting to the use of a pair of spectacles as his only tool.

Buzz has always been a coward, but faced with such circumstances after Pare was killed while defending him, what should he do?

Mad-Eye-Moody Revived

It was only moments after I had settled down in my seat that AY entered through the back door and passed me a plastic bag of sorts. Looking at her questioningly, she replied that it was an early birthday gift. Of course, I was very excited. I didn't get anything for her birthday and yet she was giving me something, and somewhere deep down, I felt extremely guilty.

I opened the paper bag in the plastic bag and found a handphone accessory in the shape of a Ferrero Rocher. Estatic would be a serious understatement. I mean, hello, FERRERO ROCHER. Chocolate, gold foil, brown paper 'cup' striked gold.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" No one could fathom how happy I was. On the way to assembly, I wondered why I seemed to have a fetish for fake food, miniaturized objects (yes, you could give me a mini bin the size of my thumb and I would be extremely happy), anything that is an imitation of the real but not meant to do what the real does (like some brands tried to copy the iPod *rolls eyes*). I can't explain it.

Then during recess, Moira purchased a mood ring (I didn't exactly know it was a mood ring, and neither Moira nor Rachel did either) and gave it to me, claiming that I like black so it would be a good present. I placed it on my thumb, seeing as how it wouldn't fit on any of the other fingers. In fact, it wouldn't fit properly on my thumb either, but it was the best place to put it so it went there.

During lessons, I took it off, and was entirely surprised by the fact that it turned black. When I picked it up and placed it on my finger, it started melting into green. I asked Rachel to try it out, and the same happened. Mood ring? That's so cool! I saw some in the Science Center's gift shop and wanted one but my parents wouldn't buy it. Now I own one and I'm so happy!

S&D was just before lunch. Zann and I came up with a story.

Me: When I came home last night, I saw an extra pair of shoes that didn't belong to anyone in the family, anyone I recognized.

Zann: I thought it was the suspect on the news from last night.

Me: From deep within the house, I heard a squeaking sound that didn't sound like my father, my mother, my brother, my sister, or anything in the house at all.

Zann: Slowly, I crept stealthily toward where I thought the sound came from and saw a bright light...

It kind of ended there because we kept changing stories so many times (the first was about Zann's cousin's 21st B-day) we had barely any time left. Miss Tay said she like our story, the way we built up suspense. Zann and I have very different line of thoughts. I go for the spooky, she goes for the cheerful, which I frankly find a bit annoying since we're going on about different things. She wanted the squeak to come from a hamster, but I wanted a burglar at least, if not a cannibal who had blood dripping off his lips while gripping onto the person's brother whose white of the eyes were the only part of the eyeball seen and was deathly pale and bleeding profusely.

It is kind of creepy, but I'll have loved that. Hopefully, if we continued the story, Zann wouldn't have concluded with a HAMSTER. Of all things...

Geography came along as the last lesson and those in my row, namely Rachel, Moira and I were forced to act as women of child-bearing age. I was a nervous wreck, seeing as how I totally couldn't say 'my husband' without puking, so Rachel went first, then Moira. Moira did a really short one.

When it was my turn, I felt my face heat up. I mean, if someone asks you to pretend you have a husband and two kids when you don't at all, how would YOU react? I tried my best to give a straight face and started in a trembling voice. I didn't know what came over me, but I wanted to cry. Maybe it was empathy? Everything I said felt so real.

I was portraying a lady from China who had her second child and refused to abort it, and was thus fined a heavy sum. I intended to include that last part and the fact that the husband lost his job due to a request for one year lump sum paycheck, but it slipped my mind. Following that, I mentioned that the husband didn't like the fact that both children were female, and every night when he comes home, he smelled of ladies perfume I never recognized.

Rachel said I was very 'drama'. It was fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again. XD

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Manga Recommendation (XII)

Title: Hotel
Format: One-shot
Mangaka: Boichi

Global warming is predicted to warm the Earth to 100 degrees celcius by 2250, forcing humans to embark on a mission to sustain the world's DNA until it the Earth has returned to its life sustaining state while humans leave the Earth to migrate. One robot is made to withstand the test of time against harsh global conditions, lack of energy, intense breakdowns, simply to preserve DNA.

27 million years later, the robot finally breaks down.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

200 Roses for the Funeral

We went to the art museum together with the SAP students for Aesthetics, got together with Kimberly, didn't spend much time with AY (NOOO!). The western contemporary arts were cool, and I especially liked the one with the shelves of everyday objects in shades of primary colours, but the Asian artists were better.

The artist who drew raindrops or water droplets was really cool. And there was another guy who painted a splotch of black ink with a paintbrush over it and it was extremely realistic. Over at the opposite wall was an artwork of mixed medium, painted sand on canvas and the blocks painted really look like they were 3D. We then met this artwork which was a screen of traditional paintings backlit by lights that depicted city dwellings. The roaming lights of the city actually ROAMED and the snow actually FELL. It was awesome.

Art club today was pretty much to orientate the Sec 1s, played some games I extremely detested, but it was overall pretty fun.

Monday 9 February 2009

Gamer's Galore

Ha! That's alliteration for you!

Anyway, quit NASA thing team. No, wait, it's more like kick out, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved. Originally, I was totally attracted to it, but team discussions were dull and boring, and so much was done while I wasn't around that I couldn't keep up and lost track of it all. My interest started spiralling down.

It wasn't that the concepts weren't fun or anything, but I get the feeling that the other teammates didn't actually want me there, so I was EXTREMELY tentative about giving ideas, thus I barely formed any in my mind. I'm not too open with them, so I didn't seek to clarify since I didn't want to strain the relationship any further (and get them annoyed with me).

I'm more of the ideas type, so if you ever want a report, DON"T EVER COME TO ME. I can provide some things during discussions, but I'm terrible at putting them down in words. I think of strange technologies that might not always work, so I hesitate at contributing since I may be called stupid for even considering such a contraption...and considering the team's level of seriousness, I can't say I fit in very well, so I don't exactly put my best since they've really dampened my enthusiasm for the project...

Not saying it's their fault. It's actually mine for being so vulnerable to what people think. Can't blame them for firing me...ever since the first meeting, where I felt like a total outcast when they started chatting together and had quite hostile looks on their faces, I felt like totally backing out. I didn't belong, and I didn't like it. I would have much preferred to work with Rachel and Moira.

So when they actually came over to tell me I was fired, I had this strange joy within me. A mix of disappointment (in myself for not being able to live up to the standard) but also happiness since I was FINALLY able to work with people I enjoy being with and therefore might actually end up liking the topic we're working on even though I originally hate it.

It's something like SAFMC. I wasn't exactly enthu about it at first, but Sophia rubbed off onto me. No one forced me to do reports and I was able to contribute freely during the discussions with no fear that I may be looked on upon as a burden (since everybody was absolutely clueless about planes as well). I guess that's what made me come to enjoy being in SAFMC.

The sense of fulfillment, achievement, and absolute joy of having our plane fly over 15m was amazing. The people accepted me as someone who had troubles handling responsiblity and thus delegated the tasks accordingly, and I was able to stick to simply drawing. I didn't fear a glare from anyone as they always turned out to be light and carried lack of a grudge.

The atmosphere while discussing with the NASA team was suffocating. I was a total stranger among them. I was never in their class, and I knew barely a thing about them except for the totally non-personal things, like which class, their name, CCA, etc. I mean, if you were suddenly expected to work with strangers, wouldn't you feel extremely uneasy too?

So Sophia's love for planes and her effort put into making slides and taking time to explain to us personally with quite a genuine smile made me start to look forward to the meetings (though it really wasted quite a lot of time). We were actually quite pressed for time, but it was fun to be able to joke about with friends and familiar faces as we set about making the planes.

It couldn't have been any better than that. Teamwork, chemistry (not in the romantic sense) between team members, the common affinity for each other, being able to understand each other's needs, I couldn't have wished for more. It would be really sad to see the team dismantle once the competition was over. I would have really loved to stay in that group. Sophia was a great team leader, and Mel could always be relied on to buy materials. Rachel and Chun Hui pretty much did their assigned jobs as well. If I should speak my mind, I'd say I did the least...

I don't really deserve such great fellowship as my attitude is seriously bad, but maybe, just maybe, God set this up so he could show me that friendship should be priced over personal interests, that I would find more joy and satisfaction in working with friends whom I can share my thoughts openly with instead of mere strangers on a topic I initially loved but later came to dislike due to a lack of communication between team members.

Comparing the two teams, I love the SAFMC one much better. It was warm, the NASA one was cold, almost too studious and serious. Everything was about books. They excluded me from the fun stuff, making me ponder about administrative matters while they drew the rough blueprint (well, not exactly) for the space settlement. It really got on my nerves, I guess, but they just probably didn't know me well enough to understand that I really hated these kind of work. I was just simply jealous of the fact that they got to actually draw while I got stuck thinking of boring things...well, boring for me. I like thinking of technologies better.

It was highly due to the lack of understanding that led to the break up of the team (er...well, on my part, at least) since I was forced to do something I wasn't good at, and that was probably why they weren't too happy with me for not being up to standard with their expectations, which were undoubtedly too high for me as I absolutely do not have the ability to focus more than a minute on admin matters. I much prefer solving creative problems of how to keep the outgassed plastic, though the idea was given the cold shoulder (but I personally thought it was quite good).

They did ask me for my opinion on occassions, but that was while they were already sure of what they wanted and probably did that to make me feel less excluded, though I might say it's a bit too late...but once again, it's not their fault. I'm just sensitive to that area. Can't help but allow myself to totally dread the meetings.

SAFMC meetings were fun. We suddenly found out that we were extremely ahead of the rest of the teams in November, so we had time to slack for almost a month. Coming January, we started work on our plane again, and by a lucky modification, had it fly for a long distance. SUCCESS! I felt the joy in that, because I was a part of it, I actually contributed much to the plane as I did about half the practical job of building it. That feeling of inclusion cannot be rivalled. I have a feeling that even we might be chosen for the NASA, I would never feel this pride in myself and be able to call it 'my project'.

I want to be looked at as 'Rachelle, human with desires, interests and dislikes, ponderer of lame stuff (like how the chocolate filling gets into the Hello Panda biscuits)' instead of 'Rachelle, tool for typing reports'. I have a life. I need a life. I want a life. I am a life. I have the right to choose, I have the right to decide, I have the right to do what I want to do. I have the right to be who I am - me.

I have finally concluded that I have some sort of an identity crisis (a very mild one), when this song came into my mind:
Majesty, majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in your hands...

I barely know who I am, I don't know what I like, but I do know what I don't. And God knows all of me, he knows me better than anyone else in this world does. If being in a dark attic with a group of people makes you feel creeped out and cold, you know you're not comfortable around them, but even if the situation is dire and you still rely on that group of people for assurance, then you enjoy their company.

Only God knows how much I more I love the SAFMC team than the NASA one...even though both are about technical work of leaving the Earth, they are completely different when it comes to the team make up, and I guess that's what I like about the SAFMC team, and that was what made the world of a difference between the two.


Wednesday 4 February 2009

Squashed Jelly

I lost the bear Rachel gave to me for my birthday almost 2 years ago...aww man, that sucks. I ran around looking for it. I'm pretty sure it's somewhere around the J-block and canteen area, but I couldn't find it! If anyone sees a little bear dressed in a vest with an outee belly button hung on a string that has lost its elasticity from its head, please tell me! It's kind of an in between of yellow and brown. The string is brown. The bear's kinda dirty.

Anyway, my computer located some viruses on itself and it took over an hour to scan through the whole computer, only to find that the viruses came from the later checked documents, folders, files, etc. Argh, frustrating. Trojan horse some more...but since I'm here typing, you can safely assume that my computer is fully healed (unless you have suspicions of me sneaking on my father's laptop).

It's been a bad day for me. So many terrible happenings.

And on the way home, at the half mark, it started raining so suddenly. I was walking under the last tree before the bend when I felt something fall on my head. I felt it, thinking it was a leaf (the option of a bird shit hadn't crossed my mind yet...), but felt nothing. Then I walked on. Two steps later, the unmistakable sound of falling rain/drizzle registered in my ears. Two more steps, and I tried to take out my umbrella. Another two steps and I had it out fully. Thank goodness it didn't disconnect that time round.

The next two steps would have seen heavy rains. About ten to twenty meters from my home, it was reduced to a light drizzle. When I got home, the rain stopped. How pathetic is that? Why couldn't it have stopped before I got off the bus? No, wait, why couldn't it have started after I got home?

I usually turn on the lights above my computer if it gets too dark, and the standard time is 17:00, but the amount of sunlight shining through today kept fluctuating so much. It was so annoying, because one moment it was totally silent, then the next it started raining heavily, and a few seconds later the skies parted and gave way to the bright sun. What the heck?