Saturday, 28 February 2009

Flashing Gravestone

Met up extremely reluctantly at school for Bio PT discussion because we really needed it. Haven't even started even though it's been almost a month...oh goodness...

Spent hours finalizing the details of our creatures figuring out the relationships etc. Wait, it was only one hour. Hm, time seemed to drag on while we sat at a non-sticky, non-bird shit infested, and non-warm table. Anabelle's criteria, my choice.

We then trooped down to Bras Basah (sp?) and scrambled all over the place, finally patronizing Art Friend for an hour searching for suitable materials and sorting out what styrofoam thingy is better for each creature after looking around Popular and reserving 2 styrofoam sheets which we thought were expensive but turned out extremely cheap in comparison to the others sold in the area.

I'm pretty happy with my purchase, but I spent the most at S$10.55...yikes.