Maybe I'm a bit too hysterical right now...anyway, SAs were today, and I kind of totally screwed them up.
This morning on the school bus, I started experiencing stomachaches, which then developed to become more frequent before morning assembly, forcing me to...uh...use the toilet, to put it most nicely, or some might find it crude to the point of it being gross...
That aside, I spent the rest of morning assembly personifying a zombie that died, rose again, died, rose again, died, rose again, died, well, you get the point. I was pretty much a shell of what I usually am. Stupid, isn't it, what stomachaches can do to a person? Or am I just a tad more fragile than most people when it comes to gastric issues?
It surprises me to say, but with every exam that passed a little of what I was before is being revived. The E.Lit SA wasn't too bad, but I got stuck trying to figure out what 'diction' meant even though the meaning was staring right at me at point blank. Stupid, idiotic me. I spent the next 'long while' pondering on the first question, then deciding to write just what comes to my mind, thus hastening the process. Now isn't that nice, a rushed essay?
Well, after the exam, I felt a little more rejuvenated, though why, I am extremely curious to find out myself. It is not often that an exam perks one up, is it? Perphaps it was due to the restriction placed on my movements that allowed the 'life' to be cooped up so tightly they kinda burst into fireworks when the teacher said we could go.
Chinese came after recess which followed E.Lit. Terrible, I tell you, but for odd reasons absolutely well disguised from my awesome knowledge (no kidding, my mind HAS to be awesome to have exams perk me up...), even the lousy Chinese paper SUCEEDED in lifting my spirits by a bunch. Goodness, the apoccalypse has come...or at least taken a step nearer.
I felt the Chinese paper was easier than the practice papers, but that doesn't mean I'd get better grades, yes? Because for strange and magnificent reasons, I have so conveniently forgot how to write even the most basic 'xiao4 shun4' and 'ping3 (or is it pin3?) de2'. This is just great.
And did anyone ever get the feeling that you were writing a Lit essay while doing History? If yes, join the club. I have absolutely no idea what happened back there. Goodness, what kind of format did I use for History? I kept quoting the sources and wrote 'the readers would' for one of the elaborations (but of course, that was duly cancelled when I had noticed it [much to my distraught horror])! Aren't I just remarkable?
When the teacher let us go (FINALLY), I found out through subtle discussions with Rachel and the gang that I had so marvelously misinterpreted both questions 1 and 3. Wow, I have most definitely reached the peak of my education...gag. But seriously, who can be so stupid as to misread those stupid questions when they are so blatantly printed out in black on white?
No, wait, let me answer that question. Ans: Me. I'm not wrong, am I? Goodness knows what I've been doing all that time...eveything passed by as a blur and I am so sure I totally flunked History. Hey, if I even got a D for it, that would have been positively spiffing!
During lunch which came after History, Rachel mentioned that I was like a possessed person during morning assembly, looked like the living dead, she probably implied. I disputed immediately by saying that the me that I am now (the hyper-active one that anyone would simply love to get rid of) is the possessed one. You should see how black my face looked in my kindergarten graduation photo...far cry from the P1 one on my EZ-link...