Monday 31 December 2007

Happy New Year, dudes! Yeah! 2008 here we come!

I had a cool time at East Coast Park.

You know:

1. Cycling in the rain ALONE at around 18:05 (i separated from the group cuz i needed the toilet)

2. Getting all soaked to the bones, returning our bikes 1 hour earlier at 18:30 (okay, this part wasn't so cool)

3. The guy miscalculating the number of bikes that we returned so I had to get my EZ-link card late (and neither is this part)

4. Freezing in MacDonalds, eating an upsized Fillet-O-Fish plus an extra burger (also Fillet-O-Fish) all by myself

5. Stinking like someone set off a stink bomb in my clothes

6. My new book (Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever) getting wet

7. And finally bathing in hot water

Actually, no. 2-6 wasn't cool at all.

Anyway, I hadn't cycled in 3 years, and suddenly, I had to cycle in the rain on slippery road?

So I cycled briskly for 15 minutes, then turned back, cycled 2 minutes, and had to race all the way back to MacDonalds in less than 10 minutes. IN THE RAIN.


I'm watching Danny Phantom now on my computer, recently, I acquired 29 episodes! Oh yeah!

Playing D-Stabilized

Danny Phantom rocks!

Tuesday 25 December 2007


I came back from BeiJing a few days ago.

Didn't get anything for anyone. Sorry!

It was downright freezing and I vow never to complain about Singapore's climate ever again.

The great wall was boring. Climbed past 3 of those tower things and then I felt warm. Not sweating. A very nice feeling you get after exercising in very cold weather.

You know their English is real terrible?

I'll give you a few notices I saw:

`Careful Hit Head

`小心地滑 got translated into:
Beware of Landslide

`This is the venue where people are gathered after being scattered in the Orientabay International Hotel
(They needn't use words of that level of meaning. It makes it sound stupid. And they spelt their hotel name wrongly. It's supposed to be Orientalbay International Hotel. They missed the 'l'.)

These are a few. I have more in the photographs my brother has taken.

Seriously, their college English is equal to our P6! Well, at least to us, you know, GE kids.

Sunday 9 December 2007


Okay, yesterday, I was minding my own business in my new church (cuz' I couldn't go for the Youth group in my previous one due to full schedule), when I found out that Darren (the one and only *rolls eyes*) was in the same church as I am now. Ya know, Trinity Christian Centre.

And I'm almost totally freaked out.

I was never expecting anyone I knew to be there. Let alone Darren, of all people. But hey, he came in handy when I didn't know who Sister Jeann was. I just shoved the paper into his hands and went off with my brother.

Oh, I forgot, and I said 'Thanks'. See? I mind my manners.

*Smiles brightly*

Tuesday 4 December 2007

I'm a bit nutty today, and probably for the next few months or so

I just got introduced to 'American Dragon: Jake Long' last Monday and it was so cool! I mean, I like 'Danny Phantom' too, but I can hardly find any of the episodes on VeohTV (which I downloaded so I could download 'Ultimate Enemy' [one of the 'Danny Phantom' episodes]. Do I make any sense to you?)

ADJL is a show about this boy who found out he's the American Dragon when he's 13. His name is Jake Long (龙). His grandpa, Lao Shi (老师), is his Dragon Master, much to the dislike of the Dragon Council. So Jake is supposed to keep America safe from magical creatures.

Disney cancelled 'American Dragon' so there's no 3rd season, just like Nickelodean cancelled 'Danny Phantom' so there's no 4th season. Why are all the good shows cancelled?

Anyway, for Am Drag, I found the episodes all the way from 'Old School Training' to 'The Long Weekend'. I couldn't find anymore of the 1st season.

For the 2nd season, I found 'Love Cruise', 'Year of the Jake', 'Siren Says', 'Shaggy Frog', and 'Hong Kong Longs'. Couldn't find anymore.

I tried all the shortcuts, like 'Am Drag', 'ADJL', 'American Dragon' (this one's not really a shortcut, just chipping out the 'Jake Long' part) and stuff like that.

And you know there's a wrestler called 'American Dragon'? Well, that's his wrestling name, but still. Maybe his real name is Jake Long! Ha ha!

Anyway, here's some pictures of the characters.

Jake's Grandfather and Dragon Master: Lao Shi

A wise old Chinese man


A blue Chinese dragon

Jake's Father: Jonathan Long

Doesn't know he married into a family of dragons until the last episode

Jake's Mother

The dragon thing skipped her generation

Jake Long

The American Dragon who loves skateboarding

Jake's Dragon Form

Have I mentioned that he's the cockiest dragon ever?

Haley Long

Jake's annoying little goody-two-shoes sister who is also a dragon; a pink one

Jake's Best Friends


'Mama' Trixie


A very dense genius