Thursday 28 February 2008

Saka-chan, for the last time, I am NOT telling you how much I got for Math SA

So, as the title says, Saka-Chan, a.k.a. Poh Hui Xian, a.k.a. Fish, a.k.a. Poison (erm, how do you spell it?), a.k.a. Fisch (and not to forget Vivian) pestered me for my SA marks.

Anyone who knows it, zip your mouths shut, lock it tight, and throw away the key.

Now, when that is done...


I just saw that on the news. I am so slow.

Anyway, why they go and protect SCGS (Singapore Chinese Girls School) and not RGS? A prestigious girls school with young girls brimming full of promise and hope for the nation that one more tiny drop would tip the scale?


Okay, I'm lying. I am not prestigious and I am not brimming with promise and hope for the nation. Heck, I'm not even half full of promise and hope for anything!

So, uh, what now? We have Chinese Compo tomorrow, I don't care a thing about passing or failing it. In fact, if I even get a 30 or above, I'd be whooping for joy (sense the sarcasm in the air...breath it in, exhale it out...).

But who cares. Well, I do care whether I get good grades or not, but I can't help it if I'm THAT bad at Chinese, right? Makes me wonder why I'm in the school I am in in the first place...

Handed up Geog yesterday and was WAY relieved. It's finally over!!! But then, here comes my Physics teacher spoiling all the fun by giving us a Formative Assessment (I think that's what it is, if not, it's a Creative Assignment.

Then we still need to design an interesting Math game and do some data thingy for RS.



I have to persevere and keep on living!

さ、じゃね!(It reads: 'Well, bye!')

(Recently, I'm a little gung-ho about Jap, do forgive me)