My lists got too long so I had to inject paragraphs. And underline things.
Commentary on popular X-Men First Class' minor characters
1) Moira MacTaggert has too little control over her emotions (or, at the very least, her expressions) to be a convincing CIA agent. To me, she basically embodies why "the CIA is no place for a woman", and explains perfectly why so many movies fail the Bechdel test.
2) Angel was a weak character with insufficient development and a rather unimpressive set of mutations. Another failure which exclusion and the movie's consequent failure of the Bechdel test would be forgiveable.
3) Darwin shouldn't have died.
4) Hank McCoy's feet had opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs. On his feet. Like an ape. Did the comic specify that? No, really, that was a genuine question. I've never actually read it.
5) Magneto's helmet looks clunky, gaudy and terrible.
Scientific inaccuracies in X-Men First Class
1) Radiation does not necessarily make mutants any stronger. In fact they stand about as much chance of getting cancer as non-mutants.
2) I'm not even going to talk about how improbable the mutations are.
3) Identifying a marker in Raven's DNA sample does NOT imply an ability to generate a serum that induces one's default appearance to become normal. In fact, all a marker does is, essentially, sit somewhere along the genome and express itself like any other gene. It's often used in transformation of plasmids and bacteria.
4) For the record, I think diamond should be able to cut through whatever metal was wrapped around Emma Frost's neck.
5) Why wasn't the bullet pulled out of Charles Xavier's back bloody?
Commentary on relationships in X-Men First Class
1) How on earth did the producers think that hooking Raven up with Erik Lehnsherr immediately after her falling out with Hank McCoy was a good idea? Raven had never indicated any interest in Erik and Erik was more interested in Raven's status as a mutant than Raven herself. It was probably a one-time thing, though, and nothing too serious, because Raven did not stay in bed after but went to seek Charles.
2) Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert was so surprisingly unsurprising because Hollywood just needed its main character to get a girl -- any girl. Never mind if she's just someone insipid that helps the movie pass the Bechdel test. Which it didn't, by the way. This pairing was even worse than Erik/Raven.
3) I was sort of hoping that the movie would elaborate more on Hank and Raven's relationship. I think she had the potential to transform his doubts, just like Erik transformed hers, although I understand the need to make Hank inject himself with the serum as a result of him disagreeing with Raven on their appearance.
4) While I really don't understand the relationship between Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw, I think Emma's comment (to Colonel Hendry) that she was "Sebastian Shaw's associate" seemed fitting. It appears that Emma and Shaw's relationship verges on the professional while maintaining a level of impersonal affection.
5) Hands up anybody who thought that Erik and Charles should just build their happy mutant orphanage and ditch the government already (Moira did NOT in any way inspire positive opinions of the government or the CIA). That way they'd get to keep their friendship AND share Raven, even if I think Erik/Raven was a mistake. Also, there will be epic bromance. On the downside, the entire X-Men series wouldn't have happened.
Commentary on the main characters of X-Men First Class
1) Erik Lehnsherr should probably have clubbed Sebastian Shaw's head off (instead of merely crushing a bell and rattling some instruments) when Shaw killed his mother. That would have saved everyone so much trouble.
2) Charles Xavier really should have been a little less calm about a stranger breaking into his house and stealing his food. But then I suppose that if you'd been able to tell that the blue-skinned girl wasn't a threat because you could READ HER MIND then it was justifiable.
3) Erik Lehnsherr (or should I say Michael Fassbender) looks really good when he's doing his thing with metal. I particularly enjoyed his invasion of the senior Soviet Official's house.
4) Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) actually looks nice in his frumpy cardigans and with hair. Too bad he eventually lost the hair he wanted untouched.
5) Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier would probably have made one of Hollywood's best fiction couple if either one of them were female. If only because Hollywood wouldn't dare to screen a gay couple (and because that might ruin the comics).
Favourite scenes from X-Men First Class
1) That satellite scene where Erik found the point between rage and serenity.
2) "...I will find you." (In French, spoken by Erik)
3) For some reason, the Argentina scene where Erik was looking for Shaw.
4) The beach scene when Charles was struck in the back by a bullet deflected by Erik.
5) Charles reading about his thesis.