Since I liked generating those 10 lists so much the last time, I'm going to make some more.
Things most people don't know about me
1) I have a thing for jewellery of the well-designed metal variety.
2) I am not homophobic.
3) I used to collect stamps and stickers.
4) I knit.
5) My short-sightedness measures at 900 degrees per eye.
Things you should know about Star Trek
1) If you want to survive an away mission, don't wear red if you're not part of the main cast.
2) Paper beats Spock, Spock beats Tribbles (sort of), Tribbles beat Klingons.
3) "Beam me up, Scotty" was never said.
4) Everything was invented in Russia, not S. Korea.
5) Kirk and Spock have some sort of permanent link that makes it impossible for them to break eye or physical contact for protracted periods of time.
Things that school will not teach you
1) Two positives do make a negative. ("Yeah, right.")
2) How to be a proper Victorian lady.
3) 2B is not the only variety of pencil available.
4) Persistence is does not get you everything.
5) The panacea of everything but death is death. Kind of.
Words I know that have more than 4 syllables
1) Discombobulate
2) Pulchritudinous
3) Hypochondriac
4) Serendipity
5) Tintinnabulous
Similarities between TOS and reboot-verse
1) Kirk has a protruding belly.
2) Spock sometimes uses contractions.
3) McCoy has the answers to all of Kirk's (medical) problems.
4) Scotty likes Tribbles.
5) Chekov is a Russian genius too young for his own good.