Saturday, 1 November 2008

Apple Strudel (from here on, if I cannot think of a proper title, I'll insert random words)

Today the weirdest thing just happened.

I was able to wake up without external help at 05:30 this morning.

SHOCK! I must have gotten used to being woken up at 05:45 every morning.

When it was 05:30 this morning, my father came in to close the window because it was raining and also to chuck some stuff into my closet (probably clothes).

Then I was like: "Oh, I only have 15 more minutes to sleep." So I tried to sleep. After quite a long while, I noticed that my father didn't come and wake me up.

I was a bit confused. "Don't I have school today?" I asked myself. Then it hit me like a fluffy pink bunny that today was a Saturday...

Then I slept again and woke up at 9.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful.

We had to wear ties for the Sec 4 graduation ceremony held at the amphi-theatre, but the Sec 1s were made to stand at the block beside the amphi and stare down at the ceremony.

We got ourselves tables and sat on them so our legs would not sour, then I got totally bored cuz' it was pretty boring.

Rachel mentioned that if you blurred your vision (cross your eyes) the people will look like noodles. =D I felt hungry then...

There was a long dedication section by the teachers to their respective classes. In the middle of nowhere, Mua Ha asked Rachel1 and I if we wanted to use the toilet.

To get away from the boredom, I agreed. Rachel did too, but I dunno what her reason was.

So we headed to the toilet. I wanted to go to the toilet at that particular floor we were at (level 3), but Mua Ha said it was a guy's toilet and led us to the toilet below by the squarish spiral stairs.

I didn't really bother scrutinizing the toilets so I didn't know if it were true, but I was a little confused as no matter how high I climb up the stairs by the toilets, there's always a female toilet.

I gave in cuz' I thought it'd waste more time if we travelled more.

Then we went back up via the stairs at the right end of the block (if you were facing the amphi, that is) and I asked Mua Ha again, "Why don't you go to the toilet on this level? There's a toilet here."

Then Mua Ha replied, "It's a guy's toilet."

Then I said, "It's a girl's toilet."

Mua Ha then stared and took a good look at the toilet door (which was pink, by the way, and the sign didn't read femal staff toilet), finally saying, "Ah, never mind lah."

So we went back to our class. On the way, I saw this poster that the Sec 4s created about I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD.

Below was L squatting in bunny slippers holding a coke can up with his left hand towards Raito who was on his left and pointing a stick at the small containers above L's head that were meant to be recycling bins.

The drawings are super cool. I wanna draw like that.

Anyway, when I showed it to Zann, her reaction was depressingly mild...

Then I returned to watching the ceremony. While the teachers were dedicating, AY came by and asked me if I wanted to go into a classroom.

She said there were fans in there. =D

So I went, feeling very warm outside. Inside, it was dark. None of the lights were on, and the only source of brightness was the sunlight streaming from the little windows in the doors.

I did some drawing with chalk, then got bored and went back out.

Someone accidentally put some chalk on my back...

Mel passed me a sheet of paper with some songs on it. It was also a schedule.

Anyway, Rachel went to WeiTing's class and supposedly enjoyed a better scene. When she came back to see if the condition of congestion at our class had become mild, she went back.

I followed her.

I got a better view over there.

I stayed there for the rest of the ceremony, nothing much happened, except that the paper Mel handed to me was accidentally released from my grasp and floated down onto the second floor...

The ceremony ended an hour later than anticipated and I wanted to kill the organizer for setting my hopes of going home early so high...

Anyway, when I got home, my brother was already there, which made my hunt for my othello board game in his room impossible...

That's all for today.