Thursday, 30 October 2008

Of netballs and Hip Hop

Yesterday was netball carn.

I think I played about 5 games or so, and there was once I played 2 games consecutively and was sweating buckets after them.

Some crazy pointless running and jumping for 14 minutes straight is no good for a person who doesn't exercise at all...

What's more I was made center...


Anyway, I felt pretty fit after that. =D

But my thighs and legs hurt like crap the next day (a.k.a. today). Ash had bought some 100 Plus for the players, but there was one shot, so I didn't get any.

Not that I realize they were giving out 100 Plus in the first place...I only noticed when someone gave Rachel1 hers and said they were for the players... O.o

But it's fine. I don't really like soft/gassy drinks. I prefer Ice Green Tea, Ice Lemon Tea, Bird's Nest those kind. Of course, since bubble tea isn't gassy, I like it too.

But when I finally decided to buy it, it was sold out, and because I didn't really want another dose of soya milk (first dose was during breakfast), I didn't get a drink.

I relied on the school's water cooler instead and had a nice cool drink of water (though the water from the water cooler always tastes a little weird...).

Oh, and I just realized Min Chih is so easily pissed. After we lost our first game (losing streak continues all throughout with the exception of one tie), she had this black face and super dark aura around her that made her look so dangerous...

Today we had hip-hop lessons (MTV Hip-Hop). We did some steps. The first one, when done horribly, makes a person look like a duck (from observation).

The second one can make someone look like a drunkard, and so can the third. The fourth one was pretty showy.

I didn't like the snapping part of the fourth one. I can't snap.

I can't tell how well I have done, but from the feedback (from random people I know from random places), I am proud to say I didn't do so shabbily...

I remember seeing one girl look like she was doing Egyptian dance when she did the first step... Cherie was pretty good (*author is very reluctant to admit*).

The lady who was showing the steps (a.k.a. Step-Showing-Lady or SSL) looked very cool doing the steps, while the rest of us look like bumbling ducks...what an amazingly huge difference...

Lolz, I remember that the lady who was telling steps (a.k.a. Step-Telling-Lady or STL) was saying that we didn't put enough effort into the PUMPING and it looked like ballet...


Well, I take ballet and it's not really clear how she's insulting it, but I feel pretty pissed when she commented that people who didn't put effort looked like their doing ballet...

Hello, after 90 min of ballet I'm sweating just to get the steps perfect (though I never managed that). No effort my foot.

Even we need to put effort and strength into our dance (if not we'll collapse halfway through a dance or something and our posture will be ruined). Without strengh we can't manage a develope!

Ballet is not something you can learn overnight. It requires stamina, strength and skill. It took me like 8 years to get to where I am today!

Anyway, I was pretty happy with how I did my steps. They didn't feel wrong, and I pumped in lots and lots of brute force (the kind of strength they want, in ballet, we use compressed strength).

I also inserted in some control so my movements don't go out of hand.

Overall, I'm happy with my hip-hop.

My SEI was pathetic.

EQ is about 96.

And my RCP is higher than my EEL, while in most people, their EEL is higher. I'll bet that it was the question 'I have many words to describe how I feel' that made the difference.

I can differentiate what I feel, but the fact still remains that my English is down in the gutter and I usually have absolutely no words to describe feelings (unless it is something simple like anger or jealousy...).

So after the SEI, we were tricked into attending a talk about CAP and FPS.

So boring I wanted to fall asleep.

While I was walking towards the bus stop and taking my time, 105 came! So I ran as fast as I could and got there just in time to board the bus.


Then I got home and that's how I got here.