Saturday, 28 November 2009

Reality vs. Real

You know what I just realised? I figured before I watch the MV of a Japanese song I might like it, but after the MV I most probably wouldn't. Somehow it doesn't really look very appealing to have more than 3 guys stand on a stage (anything would do, like the ledge of a railing) and sing in unision (or even sing at all). It's kind of detering...

Yeah, so maybe they have flawless skin or perfectly sculptured features, but I guess having so many guys just singing makes them seem a little redundant. It's becoming more like a choir instead of a band/group. It's messy AND boring. They're all just standing around swaying to the music or staring up at the sky with some sort of morose expression that tells you that they've just lost the love of their lives (in the MV, of course).

How typical.

Hey, I actually find it fun to think about why I dislike boy bands that don't seem to know how to play a single instrument. It's quite entertaining and helps me improve my critical analysis skills. Maybe I should be a band critic when I grow up, not that I'd be any good at it but it's fun.

Lead singers generally are the popular ones in a band, but when you have 5 or more of them and no one sitting behind a drum set making cool gestures with the drumsticks or jamming on the guitar while in a cool stance it makes the whole MV look dull.

I've seen a few Japanese MVs and a number of them just show the band members aimlessly wandering the busy streets, reading a score sheet and strumming a guitar casually (not according to the song), trying (and sometimes failing hilariously) to get a sock or some other garment on, studying so hard for a test they end up exhausted etc. It's boring the way they focus on meaningless actions or do not tell a story.

たいくつ。(Can't convert this to kanji on blogger.)

Can you believe people actually spit good money to buy those MVs? You can find them anywhere!

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about that.


Actually I am, but that's not the main reason I started this post.

Hang on a moment while I get my message ready.

Here goes.

I GOT MY H1N1 JAB TODAY (because I'm going to Europe in 2 weeks).


My mother delayed the jabs twice already. Once was because the doctor said that the H1N1 jabs for children might be given the green light soon. Twice was because my father didn't get home early enough.

It's a bit annoying, really.

You know when my family entered the doctor's room to get the jab I was afraid. Really afraid. I have a phobia (a serious phobia) for anything that might cause physical pain, so I feared the jab greatly. I saw the doctor open a mini refrigerator and take out 5 boxes which I assumed to be the vaccines (1 dose per box).

My parents wanted me to go first and I was: "NO WAY."

So my father did. He sat in the chair and placed his arm on the table. The doctor took out a dose from the box and stuck it into my father's left arm. When it was done, the doctor pressed a compact piece of cotton wool to my father's arm and he got up and walked to beside me to lean against a bed. He said it didn't hurt. I was skeptical about it.

My mother then asked me to go next, which elicited a "NO THANKS" expression from me.

So my mother did. She sat on the chair and let the doctor give her the vaccine. When the needle pierced her skin (at least, when I thought it did) my mother made this slightly sour face and my father asked, "Pain meh?" to which my mother nodded.

Then being the brave person I was, I sat on the chair of doom next.

While dreading the pain, I looked away. I felt the needle alright. I felt its coldness enter my skin and the digging its way down. I felt the sudden influx of matter (vaccine) into my arm which felt a little like rapid swelling and feared that my skin would explode (of course it didn't, but you know, in these kinds of situations you tend to think of the worst case scenarios). All the time I wasn't relaxing my muscles at all. So much for the doctor telling me to relax...

I was given the small wad of cotton wool and my brother was next. He didn't look the least perturbed by the fact that he was going to have a foreign object stuck into his arm! I am in awe of him. His poker face was PERFECT. Anyway, so he got up and my sister was the last one.

She had this 'I am extremely afraid and horrified and want to shrink back into the walls' expression on her face, but she got the jab anyway. Then when everything was done the doctor gave us the 'H1N1 Vaccinated' cards so that we can show people we have been vaccinated if we are suspected to be carriers of the virus.

I threw the wad away in the end, and all that was on it was a small pin prick of yellow substance (pus, I think). I was freaked out.

We were all a little lightheaded when we left the room (not sure if it was a side effect or just some psychological thing) so we rested for a while then headed to breakfast (my brother, sister and I) while my parents went to the ATM machine to withdraw the fee.

Breakfast was great. I had 1 chicken bao and 1 cup of iced milo, my sister had some nasi lemak looking thing and a cup of iced milo too while my brother went for economic noodles and coffee. My parents both had black carrot cake but my father had an additional black coffee.

Then we looked around some places for pants (I seem to be lacking some) and went home.


You have my day in the palm of your hands.

I mean.

Neurons in your heads.