Title: Godhand Teru
Genre: Medicinal
Length: 6 Episodes
An adaptation of 'Godhand Teru'.
Mahigashi Teru lost his father in a plane crash 18 years ago. His father was Mahigashi Kousuke, a world renowned doctor. As his father tried desperately to resuscitate Teru he died when a flying shard hit him in the back.
Teru's life was saved, but a red imprint of his father's palm was left on his chest.
18 years later Mahigashi Teru begins his internship with Yasuda Memorial Hospital, affectionately dubbed 'Valhalla', a mythological residence of gods, signifying that the hospital employs doctors of high quality.
On the first day of work, Teru arrives late due to an unexpected delay, and not only was he slow in his assistance during surgeries his skills appear insufficient to provide medical treatment. Everyone begins to call him 'Clumsy Teru'.
His instructor, Kitami, has great doubts about Teru's employment in Valhalla but the director of the hospital, Yasuda Jyunji, believes that within Teru dwells an ability that awakens in the most dire of situations - the Godhand, passed from Kousuke to his son.