Title: Gokusen (Shortened form of 'Gangster Teacher' in Japanese)
Genre: Comedy, School
Length: 12 Episodes + 1 Special Episode
Yamaguchi Kumiko (Nakama Yukie) is the 4th generation heir of the Oeda family, a prominant Yakuza (gangster) group. Her dream is to be a teacher and she lands the job at the age of 23. Her view of a teacher-student relationship is idealistic, until she meets the class she is in charge of: 3-D of Shirokin Gakuen.
Sawada Shin (Matsumoto Jun) is the lazy leader of the delinquent class 3-D of Shirokin Gakuen. His grades are well above average and the reason he is enrolled in the 'hopeless and troublesome class of 3-D' is the fact that he punched a teacher from his previous school.
Class 3-D is a class of 'rotten apples' filled with students who have dyed hair and sloppy uniforms, but Yamaguchi Kumiko believes she can make a change in them. The students of class 3-D, most prominantly Sawada Shin, Uchiyama Haruhiko (Oguri Shun), Kumai Teruo (Waki Tomohiro), Noda Takeshi (Narimiya Hiroki) and Minami Yoichi (Ishigaki Yuma), gain respect for the quirky teacher because of her devotion to them and even gave her a nickname: Yankumi.