Thursday, 3 July 2008


Randomness again.

But you know, D&T really was fun.

Just last week, my 'toy' looked very plain. All I did was poke two holes in a metal tube which I later painted brown, cut a gap for the switch and shape the acrylic for the cover (which had a hole in it for the melody changer. That was pretty much all I did.

So little right?

Then today, I finished painting the metal tube and even sprayed clear spray paint on it to make it shine like the morning sun pushing its way through a crack in the roof of a cave! Then I cut it to size cuz' I didn't need that big a piece of tube.

Right. You must be wondering what kind of toy I'm making.

I'm making this 'Garden Gramaphone'. The 'gramaphone' will be a flower with yellow petals. The tube was its stalk. I took my 'disk' from a disket. Well, more like my father ripped it out from the disket. Either way works.

I didn't need to make anything that spins except stick that 'disk' onto the rotating thing.

Today I added colour to my toy. Earlier, Moi Moi had asked me to severe a part of an egg shaped styrofoam from the thing itself. Since last week, I had a phobia of penknives, but I, being the kind person I am, agreed to help. (I still had the scar from the penknife incision on my left middle finger...)

After I chopped off the part (more like sawed off), I threw the unwanted piece into the bin beside the table. I was just sitting around and fooling, singing random christian songs and trying to get Zann to convert along with Rachel and Anabelle. Well, it didn't work. But it was only 2 hours or less! We couldn't do anything. Zann stood up for her own believes and didn't budge.

Oh yea, and Rachel had asked me to draw a paper boat and lily pad for her toy. I do so believe that I have never drawn either of them before, so my drawings probably looked a bit weird. The lily pad looked really, really, stupid because it was so empty thus I drew a water lily, but frankly, it was my first time drawing a water lily too... but Rachel still used them anyway. *Shrugs*

I decided to paint the stupid box of mine cuz' it looked so neglected and plain.

So I painted the whole thing brown (same brown as the tube). The wood looked really like a tree bark, or so that's what Rachel (1) said. I had already decided before that I'd paint some grass on, and Rachel had so happened to have used green paint before (to paint the lily pad), so I used that.

I didn't dilute the paint or anything, and so I drew/painted the grass at the bottom. The tips of the grass had a serious paint shortage and they looked fuzzy. But I don't care. Rachel (1) voiced her opinion: It looked like the foot of a tree.

So anyway, I decided to make a little lady bug to be my melody changer's disguise. I remembered the piece of styrofoam I threw away and dug it up from the bin. I can almost hear you say 'eww'.

Anyway, I hacked off some parts here and there and finally got a small shape (that looked nothing like a lady bug, even though I didn't take into consideration the fact that it was white). I painted it with some red paint that Anabelle had left in Rachel's (1) palette.

I decided to leave it on the piece of styrofoam I cut it out from which was originally part of Moira's certain part of her toy to dry (run on...). Then I got impatient and decided 'to the heck with all the wet paint' and picked up the paint brush and painted the black (the spots and the head).

And I left it there until the next time I picked it up.

So in the mean time, I decided to cut out petals for the flower and paint the styrofoam I used as the thing to stick all the petals on and chuck the speaker in. So I dumped my paintbrush (well, technically, it's Rachel's (1). If you ask to borrow anything from her, she'll consent...) in the brown paint I had used earlier and slathered a generous amount on the styrofoam.

As I left it to dry, I got some yellow felt from one of the teachers (the taller lady whom we consult for art stuff) and started cutting out the petals. Because super glue melts styrofoam, the teacher (same as just now) suggested using the hot glue gun.

I used them before in Art Club last Tuesday and this Tuesday, so I was pretty familiar with them, and also the pain that comes with dripping hot melted plastic on my fingers. One on the left middle finger (why is that finger always the victim?!) and my left thumb. Man. My left had is so unlucky.

So I stuck them all on the brown styrofoam thingy. It finally looked like a flower! REJOICE!

Oh yeah. And in the middle of nowhere, the teacher who we were to consult on technical stuff repremanded us for being too slack. Before that, she had come to my table and told me that I had the potential (every teacher tells me that. All kinds of them, English, Chinese, Art...blah blah blah. I think they're seriously lying) but I must unlock it.

I think she saw my terrible 1 minute drawing on a piece of paper I did with a paintbrush dripping with brown paint and was drawn towards killing me for slacking in class but resisted the urge. *;D

Oh, the picture was a guy. I painted his hair yellow...

But don't worry! The whole picture didn't waste any more than 1 1/2 minute of my time~!

And that teacher came over to my table (she was just skimming through the tables) and said that the lady bug was kinda cool, so she said that I should add two feelers (stable bullets) to it. So I did. But before that, I had to repaint the red part cuz' my hand accidentally pressed onto it and smudged the black dots.

So after I did that, I asked Moi Moi for staple bullets. Rachel (1) had but they were purple... (HAH! PURPLE!). I pressed them in and tadaa! Done. But I had to wait for it to dry.

After it dried, I spray painted it clear and shiny, then hot glue gunned it to the melody changer cuz', as I mentioned before, apparently, glue melts styrofoam.

Yeah. So basically this is my progress throughout today.

Next week I suppose I'll have an easy time...

And Rachel (1) mentioned I'm straying from the 'emo' path...that I'm less emo than I was last year...hmm...I wonder why...

Nevermind! See ya~!