Weird. After Ignyte service, some guy sitting two seats from me (the seat between us was empty) passed me a slip of folded up paper and told me something. I couldn't catch what he said, and asked, "What?" but he didn't hear me. He most probably told me to pass it to someone...
What was written inside was the verses in 'Psalms 100: 1-5'. I think it's notes taken from a sermon.
Anyway, today's Ignyte service was called '06.07.08', which is the date today. Ignyte Trinity @ Adam and @ Payar Lebar combined and had a service together at the Summit (L4) of Trinity @ Payar Lebar.
...And Darren was doing some weird narration thing on stage...he looked so weird in a suit and a tie...I think the tie was purple...
Then there was this person, who narrated too, who was singing about being in the army, the (some tank or something called 'something 45') very fine, when you chuck the key and ignite the engine, you have to push from behind.
Then there's another one about the food very fine, when you drop the chicken wing, your leg will break. (Because the chicken very hard...)
Anyway. There was this video comepetition. Go to '' Check out V6 [Daniel Ho- PL]. Or you can just click on the links I created. It is SO hilarious.
The competition is one where Ignyters (youths who go to Ignyte service) can participate in, and their videos submitted must have the theme 'His Purpose. My Generation.' in it. That is this year's theme.
And so the V6 [Daniel Ho- PL] one won.
Today I had lots of fun at church.
You know what? I just realized I am able to speak 5 languages!
Well, only a little of 3 of them, but in all, still 5.
English, Chinese, Japanese, Malay, French.
I'm so weird.
Anyway, on Friday, my Gym team came over to my house with me after school to work on our Gym sequence cuz' we barely got anything at all.
So we created some weird steps that were super gross (in the sick way) to us. Like dragging our hands slowly up our legs and thighs...
Sad to say I created them.....
Ah well. Who cares. We finally got the sequence down!!!
Rachel, Gloria, Moira and I made a generalization:
In primary school, people like to act 'cool'. In secondary school, people like to act 'sexy'.
I think this is true. Considering what hip-hop looks like now in secondary school and what dances looked like last time in primary school.
Secondary school: Lots of hip movement, body waving, and so on.
Primary school: Wears sunglasses, copies Matrix..., do the weird Elvis Presley pointing finger thing.
Gekki dasa.
On Saturday, it was the norm. Ballet class, eat dinner. But there was one extra. I went to watch TV! It's been a long time since I watched TV after 20:30. I usually spend my time upstairs with my computer.