Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Never Lasts Forever
My mum's birthday was yesterday, I only remembered at noon (yesterday) so I rushed to make her a card in the evening.
I feel sooooo blessed by giving her the card. Don't know why. I just felt like I was glowing with pride. I just can't help but feel happy when I think I made someone happy!
We celebrated her birthday with a cake today.
It was the first time after so long that I've had a cake that didn't have blueberry filling! So happy!
The chocolate on the cake was nice too. Yum!
The cream was awesome!
Er...the whole cake was awesome, yes?
I cooked spaghetti for lunch today. It was the best I've done! It was surprisingly easy, though it took a long time and lots of my patience...
I'm thinking I cooked too little. I didn't even feel half-full when I was done with my share...
Oh yea. Today, just before eating the cake during dinner, my sis sat with a cushion (about 70cm x 70cm between her legs at her...you know what.
I told her not to. She said she could because she was the one who took the cushion out so she had the right. And she wouldn't let me touch it.
Oh, you know what? She kept stealing Mr. Bump and hiding him, squishing him, abusing him (I'm gonna sue her for sexual harrassment or outrage of modesty toward soft toys...) and she calls me selfish!
So basically, now that she just went and criticized her own behaviour, she is hereby banned from even TOUCHING Mr. Bump because I not only took Bump out, but I also OWN Bump.
She should really consider her own behaviour first before pointing out my faults. It's like she's so focussed about the splinter in me she overlooked the log in her eye...
Monday, 29 December 2008
A Kid in 20 Years Time
Now it's poofy and short, so much that when I shake my head vigourously, my hair doesn't tangle...
That's a good thing.
My hair dries much more easily too because of the short length.
Also, it isn't as irritating in the hot weather anymore.
But, I have a bit of a problem tying my hair and my hair gets in my collar, but other than that, I'm very happy.
*.*+*.*+ *.*+*.*+ *.*+*.*+ *.*+*.*+ *.*+*.*
Yesterday: Sunday
Headed for church at 10:37. Waited for the bus for what seemed like lightyears before the bus actually came.
Arrived at church late. At about 11:05. All my sis' fault. Char Siew Bao is protable, but she insists to eat it in the house.
Argh. That's why we probably missed the earlier bus.
So it was revealed that we were in the same buzz group. I'm not that thrilled. But at the same time, I am, once I found out that my sister was only going to church because our parents made us go and that she doesn't want to seek God.
Service was as usual, until alter call. I wanted a change in my life, because I have been straying from the track and the race we were supposed to run for God.
The alter overflowed, so we were on the steps. Although I wasn't prayed for (I think I was skipped, for some odd reasons. It happened a few times already. Maybe they could see my shining [already mended] relationship with God so they didn't think I needed help? [Dream on...]), I still felt His presence.
It was because I wasn't prayed for that I felt Him, I think. I've always been a selfish person, though I've tried hard to change, but I don't know if it worked. This time, when I wasn't prayed for, my heart told me that even if I was missed, I needed to let others be touched and prayed for.
So I extended my spiritual hands over everyone answering to the alter call and prayed. In tongues. When the worship team striked up a new song, I just felt this sensation coming over me and I almost teared. I wished I remembered the song, but I have a feeling it was an upbeat song...
I felt that God had wanted me to be aware of this selfishness that I have and that I should learn to place others before myself. I felt really blessed when I started blessing other people by praying for them.
I'm not sure if everyone was prayed for, but I just want all of them to know that even if they think they've been forgotten and that God won't reach them, I will pray for them, because I know what it feels like to feel forgotten, as if I didn't matter to the world.
After service, we gathered and ate at a nearby coffee shop/hawker center/restaurant. The food was nice.
But the service sucked.
I ordered Hor Fun along with another person, one of the leaders at the table ordered crispy noodles, the other one asked for rice with meat, and the 3 remaining (not leaders) called for Hokkien Mee.
The Hor Fun, Crispy Noodles, and Rice came first. My Hor Fun didn't come for the next half an hour. I was actually wondering if they'd forgotten my order...
During that 'next half an hour', the leader who ate the rice left, and I ate the leftover of half a bowl shape of white rice along with the slightly spicy sauce (hey, it's SSS!).
Then up came the 3 Hokkien Mees. No wait, the Hokkien Mee came before the leader left, I think.
The other leader finished her meal, and the leftover was given to me again! Oh! How nice the noodles were!
A long while later, my Hor Fun still hadn't come, so we cancelled the order.
Following that, my sister couldn't finish her Hokkien Mee, so half the plate went down into my stomach.
A while later, another person who ate Hokkien Mee couldn't finish hers either, so I downed the 1/4 that was left.
I was so full, and in the end, I only had to pay for the Green Tea that I asked! What a cheap meal!
Hmm, before that 'half an hour where I waited without much patience for the never-coming Hor Fun', I talked to the leader at the other table about manga after she spotted me reading Parfum Extrait 0 which I got for my Christmas present.
She liked Furuba and Gakuen Arisu. Ah, the cliches of being a female.
On top of that, she didn't like Kaori Yuki's style, stating that it was too Western.
I thought that that was the good point about her drawings! It was unconventional and so original! I loved the style and admired it a lot!
Oh! I just remembered. During that 'half an hour where I waited without much patience for the never-coming Hor Fun', one of the leaders at my table told us that the candy cane actually bears a significance to Christianity!
She said that if the candy cane was inverted, it would be a 'J', and that represented Jesus!
If you suck at the candy, the red comes off first to reveal white, which is purity! The red, representing Jesus' blood, cleansed us and made us pure!
Then if you looked at the upright candy cane in another light, it would look like a shepherd's staff! It represents Jesus as our shepherd, guiding us in the dark when we get lost.
So meaningful, right?
Hmm, after lunch, we headed back to church and collected a number for 'family communion'. In my buzz group's case, we're doing it as a 'spiritual family communion' instead of a 'biological family communion'.
I think our number was 235.
We assembled in the chapel, then when our number was called, proceeded to the preparation room, where we prayed for each other that we may be able to concentrate on our relationship with God in the new year of 2009.
When we finished preparing our hearts for the communion, we entered the summit, and after consuming the bread representing the body of Christ and the 'wine' representing the blood of the Lord, we prayed once more.
Then we were free to go.
I waited for my brother. He SMSed to say that his number was 254. During the wait, my sis found out from my mum that we were to go to Takashimaya. She said my brother knew the way.
Damn. I thought we could go home. My father had SMSed me earlier when I told him we'd be having lunch outside that we should take the bus home.
It turned out that my brother only knew the way to Orchard MRT Station. I could do up till that far too, didn't need his help or assistance...what was my mother thinking? Was she underestimating me?!
Anyway, I thought that by 'my brother knew the way', he knew how to get there by bus and arrive right outside Takashimaya.
In the end, we called my father and he told us to go to Wisma. From there, I dunno what'll happen.
So we went to Wisma. My sister spotted Takashimaya from there (wow, such a pro at spotting shopping centers...), but for some strange reasons, my brother led us into Wisma. Once again, I was misled that my brother knew the way...
We exited Wisma and headed for the red building my sister claimed to be Takashimaya. I was totally relieved when I saw the words 'TAKASHIMAYA' on the building...
Upon entering, we didn't know where we were, but I concluded that we were on the 2nd level of Takashimaya, seeing that 4 floors below us held a directory that enlarged level B2's map while that of the other levels were about half the size and shoved in a clump to the right.
We went up one level and entered Kinokuniya, informing our parents that we were going to stay there till they find us, cuz' we didn't know where in Takashimaya we were and we are going to get lost if we tried to find our way around.
I immediately headed for the manga section, totally awed by the (7) long rows of English manga.
It turns out that they even have Japanese Magazines! I saw Jump. It was, of course, in Japanese, but a shelf held the English version. There were many more Japanese magazines. About 6 rows of them.
There were manga in Japanese too. I didn't bother counting how many shelves, though I have a feeling there's over 3 shelves. Chinese translations were there too.
My father allowed me to get 2 Chinese mangas! Yay!
Oh yea, by the way, one side of these two shelves is one row:
(This is the top view of 2 shelves [and a very ugly illustration, on top of that...])
The row includes the bottom most to the top.
(This is side view, showing a complete row)
These five layers on on one side is a row.
Uh...I've got a feeling you may not exactly get what I'm saying, so I'll move on.
For dinner, we ate at one of the Crystal Jade branches in the area. We had to wait for a long time. About half an hour. Our queue number was 151. The light above our table was very nice. My father wished he had brought a camera.
We had the kind of dinners we wouls have when one of my grandparents' birthday comes. It was the first time we had it as an immediate family circle.
The first batch of Crysanthemum tea was very nice and sweat, the flavour was rich too, but the more refills we have, the less prominant the taste became...
It was a great meal. The fried rice was awesome! Though I wish the prawns would be slightly more fresh and not explode at the back...maybe some wine on them would be nice too.
After dinner, my mum continued shopping. At Bosini, I saw this/these (2) shirt(s) that was/were just simply awesome!
Well, of course, it/they was/were (a) guys shirts so my mother didn't get them for me...
I thought we were supposed to shop for Chinese New Year clothings...
You know, it was only when I heard the sound of metal...walls being pulled down to indicate that shops are closing that I realized how late 21:30 was...
Hmm, anyway, I got lost trying to find my way out of the toilet area. There were two areas connected to the toilet.
When I emerged from the ladies, I didn't know which direction to take, so I took the right one (though I had a feeling I was on the wrong track). It turned out that it was a totally different place where I came from...
I was really glad to make it back to Bosini...
My father muddled up the level where he parked the car, so we went from level 7 to level 6.
Oh yea. My mother banned me from buying anymore manga...so sad...would I be allowed to buy more if my Chinese improved?
Friday, 26 December 2008
Mr. Bump
So sad.
So yesterday, at 17:00, we left the house to go to Orchard Road to take a walk and see the lights.
Got to Bishan MRT Station by bus, then took the train to Orchard MRT Station. Then we started walking.
The lights were pretty amazing.
First, we went into Borders at some cone shaped building. I can't remember the name.
I immediately headed for the manga section. Tons and tons of manga. So many! All in English! I found GodChild, Cain Saga, Fairy Cube, Eyeshield 21, Prince of Tennis, and so many more! In English!
They didn't have Parfum Extrait 0 though...
Anyway, I was pretty shocked that they actually blocked out the roads so that we could walk along the streets to enjoy the lights without being knocked over...
Along the way, we saw a huge bunch of line-dancers made up of mostly the elderly.
We weren't supposed to cut across them while they were dancing (though it'd be a fine challenge to do so without getting hit) so we crossed onto the pavement.
Then we walked on. We saw some floats along the road. Obviously, if you saw something like that from the eyes of my father (who is nuts about taking photos), you would want to get a closer look.
So we retraced our steps and found a transition point to cross from the pavement to the road after the line-dancers.
After walking a while on the streets and admiring the floats, I noticed that often, there would be people trying to 'climb' across the fences made of green strings and gree sticks (brances, more like) stuck in the ground.
Then after walking a little more, we entered Lucky Plaza, because I thought that was where I bought my pointe shoes from as the exterior REALLY looks like the mall where I did buy them.
I never found out if it was the same one.
My sis got really pissed.
So we decided to eat. The fish and chips from the indoor kopitiam (it wasn't exactly a kopitiam because it didn't say 'KOPITIAM' in huge block letters at the entrance, but it looked and felt like on) was superb. I think they added garlic to the fish.
So then we continued walking.
We saw a church (or maybe it was a couple of churches) preaching about God on the streets. Somehow, I smiled.
They had a short (or maybe not so. I didn't muck around till the end of it) video on the birth of Jesus with a choir singing in the background.
You know, I was standing right at the back (about 20m-30m from the stage) with a speaker to my left and another to my right. The one to my left was closer.
Anyway, suddenly, this man came and stood between me and the left speaker, and I felt like my left ear has without warning went half deaf...
So scary. Then I turned myself here and there, and found out that my left ear was in good working condition when I could hear the sound from my right properly.
Then the man went away and I could hear the speaker with my left ear properly again.
Maybe the soundwaves were interrupted...
After a while, we reached Somerset. Then we got on the train there. It was so squeezy we almost couldn't fit in.
Then when we reached Orchard, my dad commented that he was glad that we didn't get off the train at Somerset and then walk to Orchard.
At Orchard MRT Station, the train was jam packed, but when some peopl left the compartment, there was space for more. But the people are so stupid! They just cram to get inside but never let the others get out.
How would they expect to get in like that?
Then we reached home, and bathed.
Then I opened my presents! Well, I chose and hand-picked them myself, so it wasn't much of a surprise, but I was still very happy!
The first one I unwrapped was Mr. Bump from Mr. Men series.
I mentioned him quite a while back in one of my posts when my mum dragged me shopping for clothes.
He was the most squishable soft toy I have. The dog (another soft toy which I also hand-picked) I got from Christmas 2 years back was 2nd.
Just so you know, I have a soft spot for soft toys and I'm not afraid to mention it.
As tomboy as I may seem, I still like the feel of squishable stuff in my hands. Mr. Bump was made of a very smooth material too, and that's what made me like it even more.
Then I opened Parfum Extrait 0!
My only English manga! And also my only manga that isn't from the Prince of Tennis Series.
I spent 1 hour reading it...
Oh. The bliss.
My father got presents too. Probably from his colleages and church acquaintances.
He got a packet of chocolates and sweets (he had Ferrero Rocher!).
Then he also got this plague that reads 'Purpose' and below it has a verse from Romans.
Merry Christmas to all!
Oh. I just remembered. Today is boxing day...wonder why it's called boxing day...
Oh! I haven't talked about Genting yet.
Day 1: Got on the bus to Genting at around 23:00.
Day 2: Arrived at Genting at around 05:00
Day 2: Went to eat breakfast in a place called '老地方' at 08:00
Day 2: Went to Outdoor Theme Park at around 9:00
Day 2: Checked in to Hotel at around 18:00
Day 2: Ate at some strange food court just beside the Indoor Theme Park at around 20:00
*Chinese food there is horrible...
Day 2: Fell flat on bed after playing at the Indoor Theme Park (and then bathing) at around 23:30
Day 3: Woke up at 09:30
Day 3: Went for lunch in MarryBrown at...uh...maybe 12:00
Day 3: Looked around the shops at aroun 13:00
*Checked around for good places to eat dinner at the same time.
Day 3: Went back to room at 16:00
Day 3: Went for dinner at 18:30
*Played "FuzzyWuzzy", "Mutton Chicken", "Bang", "This, This, That", "How Many Maa-Maa", "Black Magic", "Johnny"
Day 3: Exchanged presents and ripped the wrappings off at 20:30
Day 3: Went back to room at about 20:45
*Bathed, Quiet Time
Day 3: Fell asleep watching American Idol...
Day 4: Breakfast of Maggi Noodles in room at who-knows-what time
Day 4: Checkout at 12:00
Day 4: Lunch at KFC at around 13:00
Day 4: Leaves Genting at around 14:00
Day 4: Has dinner of Lor Mai Kai and Siew Mai with houseflies at around 18:00
Day 4: Gets off bus at around 21:00
Day 4: Reaches home after long wait at Taxi stand at around 22:00
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Lady of Gifts

Hi! Merry Christmas to all! I just finished this. It took me a whole hour... I just couldn't get the body proportions right...
And I hate to draw all those crazy presents in the background, so further back are all squiggles. I really have no patience to draw details...
I know the eyes look strangely weird (what the heck am I talking about...).
This picture is here because I just decided that it's Christmas and I should share the joy. This popped up in my head during the Christmas service that started at 11:00 in church today.
I just had to draw it. Didn't know what to do with it, so I chucked it here. It could be Random Girl 36, though. XD
As you can see, I didn't clean it up so the words at the top that read 'Merry Christmas' which I drew in a hurry to finish this are...uh...ugly.
The lines are not firm and you can see the stray ones jutting out...not a very pretty sight, I must say.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Hectic Gold
I just came back from church camp (it was pretty fun, to say the least) 2 days ago, yesterday, I STILL had piano lessons, then today, I planned to go to the Science Center to do the SAFMC trials but didn't pack (or unpack, for the matter) for the trip tonight so I didn't go.
I'm leaving in about a little over an hour at 21:00. Destination: Genting Highlands.
Anyway, I don't want to go. It's ridiculous. I just came back from Johor Bahru, Malaysia, and now I'm leaving for Genting Highlands, Malaysia just 2 days after!
Church camp was good. Got in touch with God.
I'm not exactly sure how you know you've been baptised by the holy spirit, because if you want to speak in tongues, you can just mutter some gibberish and people will THINK you ARE speaking in tongues.
But speaking in tongues means you're giving the holy spirit a chance to do something in you.
I don't know what it feels like to speak in tongues.
Anyway, we had service twice a day for 2 days, and by the end of the camp after the morning service on day 4 (there was only 1 service on both day 1 and 4), my throat was hurting.
I could barely sing...
Getting slain was a different thing altogether.
I thought it was more of going unconscious so much that you only focus on what God has to show you and lose all touch with the outside world.
I see people falling. So I thought it was like that.
But when the adult leaders tried to slay me (that sounds weird...), they more like pushed me and I fell. I was so tense in the leg area but I didn't realize it till much later when I finally relaxed it.
I could still hear the music. To be frank, I was pretty disappointed.
I was expecting a total black out.
Well, my mind was a black out, but my senses still worked fine thank you.
So I was sort of forced to think about something that came to my mind during the morning service that day.
I was walking along the streets of a city bathed in darkness. No street lamps, no light.
The sky was a deep navy blue with sparkles of stars embroided into the silk.
Then the sun started rising. It wasn't very bright. Just the orange and yellow you get from mild imagination. No great shines or white rays of light.
Just something you get from mere colouring.
Just something a little larger than the Earth, and very close too, but it felt just warm. The tempearature you feel on the Earth where the sun is so far away.
Somehow, I turned away from it and faced the moon. Then I started soaring toward it. I landed on the bumpy grey surface and looked upon the Earth as the sun rose.
The moon wasn't huge. It was about...the one from the illustration on the cover of The Little Prince.
The Earth was slightly larger than the moon. About the size of a city, so I could see quite a lot from where I was on the moon. Of course, the moon wasn't far away either, or else the graviational pull of the Earth wouldn't be enough.
I kept pondering. Why did I turn away from the sun? Why did I refuse to look at the bright shining light before me? Why did I run to the moon for salvation?
The two situations I could think of that represented it was:
1. To show how I have turned away from God (the sun) and walked deeper into sin (the moon) and miss the warmth of the Lord.
2. To show how I resisted the Devil's temporary temptation (the sun) to go for something that lasts for an eternity (the moon).
*Note: The sun actually dies out, right?
Anyway, when it was time for testimonies, I heard from this guy that he could hear the music while he was slain, so now I'm pretty confused as to what being slain feels like.
I also heard that the type of church my church is is called The Assembly of God.
Friday, 12 December 2008
81 Holes
I have seen a lot of the American 'How to Draw Manga' books in bookshops, and once glance at it sends me running to the toilet.
I mean, how can they even sell something so Marvel-looking under the name of 'Manga'?
They're spoiling manga's reputation!
Have you actually seen their drawings?
On top of drawing terribly, the colours they use are so glaring it doesn't even look like manga at all!
The way they use colours is all wrong!
It's like those people have been drawing Marvel stuff all their lives and suddenly decide that they want to draw manga, turn up for a job interview, and POOF, get their ugly drawings on the shelves.
I already don't have a good impression of Americans, and now they intend to ruin my image of them even further.
My goodness. So terrible.
I've been drawing manga for only a year (well, 11 months, that is) and I already know what are the key points in them!
Well, I can't list them out. It's just that I can differentiate what's Japanese Manga, Korean Manhwa (they're quite good, actually), and lousy, immitation American Manga that aims for those who have never seen a single anime or manga before.
Who'd buy those books? Such strange drawings. Only a novice would stare at them like they were drawing heroes or something.
I think I'd much prefer copying Japanese mangakas works from the net.
Bleagh, I can't believe those Americans actually got their books published.
In the first place, I don't see how anyone (who knows what good quality manga is) would be attracted by their colour pages. The colouring is...how'd you say it...just one opaque colour with no highlights at all.
On top of that, all their characters have SUPER BIG EYES and SUPER HUGE CHESTS (for the ladies, that is) and SUPER HUGE HEADS.
That's so stereotypical, but manga has evolved beyond that.
Usually for shoujo manga, they use pale, milky colours like purple, pink, and the likes. The colouring usually makes you want to stroke the hair because it looks like silk.
But in some strange American 'How to Draw Manga' books, the colours are, as mentioned above, glaring, even though what they're trying to create is a shoujo style.
I wouldn't mind the colours for shounen style, but to go as far as to use those strange colours for shoujo? Even though I don't especially love the shoujo style or know it very well, I can tell you that no one in their right mind will buy that book.
I wonder if they released any of those American 'How to Draw Manga' books in Japan yet.
I'm interested to see how the originators of manga will react...
I'm not saying all Americans are terrible at drawing manga, I'm just saying that the publishers need to pick better artists to feature in their books...
Thursday, 11 December 2008
3 Blue
I took MRT on the Red Line from Bishan to City Hall, and ran so to the train on the Green Line heading for Pasir Ris/Changi so I didn't miss it. I almost got left outside if not from the fact that someone pushed me while I was trying to squeeze through the crowd.
For the rest of the party, I wasn't really involved. From Eunos MRT Station, we took bus 13 and alighted while it was raining.
Brother ZhiChao told us to stay in the bus stop till the rain stopped, but we didn't listen. We set off about 20 minutes later when the rain became almost a drizzle.
We arrived at the house no long later, asked the first timers to stand up, and received some door gifts (candy cane, if you must know).
For ice-breakers, we played Human Bingo. We must not just collect 5 boxes in a row, but must also get 5 rows! I just sat there and waited for people to come.
I don't like games. Not too enthu about it.
Then we played dress the Human Christmas Tree. We were given some crepe paper of green and red and those shiny silver things you hang on your Christmas tree.
Some tape, coloured paper and a pair of scissors were provided too.
The person chosen through open numbers was called Ruth. We called the Christmas tree Ruthless. We won the most spontaneous.
After that, we had some sort of video watching, looking at the life of one of the church members called Carol Wee.
Brother ZhiChao shared about his life too.
Then we just sat around until dinner time.
I was so full just after a little bit but I pushed down more than what I should. =D
I had 2 cups of the punch looking drink.
Then I sat down and started drawing (again).
Some people came over after a long while and commented on how nice my drawings looked. Then they started talking about manga.
They talked about how person A (Jackie, I think) didn't like Sasuke and didn't want Sakura to be with him. She prefered Sakura to be with Itachi (bleagh. OMG. So mismatched...).
I joined the conversation with these words: Gaara is cool.
Looking back, I feel so stupid.
Anyway, the conversation continued for a long while. Oh, before that, I was requested by one of the people to draw for her.
Wow. It's my 4th commission ever.
1st one went to Miranda. 2nd one went to Ying Yi. 3rd one went to Miranda again. 4th one was hers. I forgot her name, not that I ever knew it in the first place.
All of them were from church.
More people joined, and Jackie drew a chibi Sasuke on my paper. It was pretty cute (GASP. She said the word 'cute'!), but I kept wondering why she drew him when she didn't like him...
So then, a long while later, still half talking about anime and manga, we decided to go as a group to the MRT station to go home.
I needed to go to the toilet, so I went just before we left.
OMG. The toilet was in the dog area and it was so freaky to just walk in there. I'm scared of dogs, I'll admit this now...
Then when I came out of the toilet, I stepped into the dog's litter bin (if you know what I mean) and was so disgusted I immediately went back into the toilet to wash my foot.
Actually, I figured what it was before the maid (I assume), told me. It was just this newspaper in an empty cardboard box, and around the middle of the newspaper was this wet spot...
So freaky.
Oh. Then we walked to the bus stop. We had to cross the road, so I ran. It was probably the first time in my life I ever jay walked so dangerously...
I wish I hadn't done that.
The others were lagging a bit for their own safety, so them came a little later.
We boarded the first bus that came along. 155.
We were supposed to alight at Eunos MRT station, but somehow extended the bus ride to Paya Lebar.
When I looked out of the bus, I was so freaked out and felt so insecure. The whole place was black with a few orange spots here and there.
I felt like I could get lost anytime...
Once we got off the bus and arrived at the MRT station, I suddenly felt this sense of peace, being able to get to this brightly lit place.
Person B ran ahead of us because she saw the train arrive and wanted to catch it.
I think she missed it, because when we went up a little while later when the train had left, she was still there...
So the rest and me took the MRT heading the opposite direction and talked about PSLE or the likes.
The person that I did the 4th commission for said that she got 4 A*s but only got 260. I got 3 A*s but got 266.
Now that I think about it, I find it really weird. If she got 4 A*s, the lowest she can get is 273!
Anyway, once back to Bishan MRT station, I feel so at home...
And now I'm back!
Manga Recommendation (X)
Mangaka: Miyazaki Hayao
It's a simple manga, not your conventional one though.
The style is pretty similar to manga from the West, but it is still read from right to left. I like it especially because it's coloured.
It's usually not the type I'd read once I've previewed the drawings, but I saw a review and went ahead. I'll never regret wasting this 35 minutes of my life.
Shuna, a teenager set to inherit a poor kingdom from his father, sets out one night to find the so called Golden Seeds that would bring higher yield and relieve his people from the famine that plagued them all year round.
On his way, he sets 2 slaves free, and leaves them to continue his dangerous journey so as to not cause them any inconvenience.
From that point on, he makes his way through perilous situations, only to be found by Thea, the older of the 2 slaves set free, when he was devoid of all emotions and memories.
Nurtured and taken care of by her, he finally regains his speech, and is able to make the journey back home.
I like the part when he reaches the land of the Golden Seeds. The mangaka is so innovative! So creative! Man, I really love it.
Even the drawings are nice!
It was later that I found out he was the one whoh created Princess Mononoke, the first anime I've ever watched.
I loved that anime! It was so freakin' amazing! I wish I could go back to the time I was in P3 and watch it over and over.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Dreams are Virtual Reality
A girl dressed in blue walked onto the streets. Fae!
"Fae, sing!"
Puzzled, she opened her mouth and let the melody flow.
A pair of blue wings sprouted out from her back, shining in all its glory, but sadly visible to only one person; the one wielding the ember amulet.
Fae was brought up to the roof, even more confused than before as she stood clueless on the red concrete scales.
"May the power of the light of Pisces grace this amulet, may it more than triple the strength, may it give me the power to rid this world of the worst evil!"
Touching a finger to the wing, the amulet was pointed at the destroyer, slowly burning both him and the fingers that held it.
Nevertheless, with a shriek, the evil that manifested the Earth evaporated up into ashes that floated like snow across the village.
With it's job done, the amulet melted over the crispy fingers it had burnt and formed a permanent cast over them, sunshine seeping into metal, and metal seeping into sunshine.
"What happened? Your fingers...they...!"
"No big. Thanks for your help."
"What did I do?"
"Oh, you know, have your birthday this month and the likes."
With a gentle smile, "I'll be going back to help on my grandma's roof. You better get to the cake shop before it closes."
And with a wink, Fae was left behind to stare at her friend whom all she thought was just a lazy, uneducated country boy with no sense of reality.
Funny. Even though she changed her view of him, the fact that reality was never on his mind didn't change at all.
She watched as the figure grew smaller, hopping over the rooftops of angry villagers.
And a smile graced her face.
Who'd have thought the power of the zodiacs would be so strong.
That talking fat persian cat had said that while in contact with a zodiac wing, all powers will increase dramatically, and most wounds will be healed.
And all that was needed to trigger the wings was to sing, and the condition for it to appear was that the particular time conincides with the zodiac.
Of course, if the person himself had the wings, it would have been much more effective. And the wings usually took the shape of one's zodiac sign.
As the footsteps nears grandma's house, a voice rang through, "I wish that kid would be back sooner! The cake I made for him won't last that long! I hope he hasn't forgotten what day it is!"
Cake? Day...24 February...
One blink later, a self slap was placed across the face, and the metal fingers helped in increasing unconsciousness.
And it all happened on a random rooftop.
The end.
This was based on a dream I had. Of course,the dream was probably more interesting. It included the events that happened before the fight, which I so stupidly forgot.
I really suck at describing these kind of stuff, especially when I can't decide between 1st person or 3rd person, so I didn't specify it.
There most of the stuff in this story was made up. The only thing that wasn't made up was the zodiac wing being triggered by something (most definitely not singing) on the person's corresponding zodiac time period.
And also the evil guy. He's not made up either. Fae was from the dream too, her zodiac being Pisces wasn't made up either, but her name was.
I think the blue dress was made up too. I couldn't exactly remember the details.
My dream ended the moment Fae started thinking about the boy. In my dream, I was the boy, so it was impossible for me to know what she was thinking.
The part about hopping on the roof to the grandma's house was a lie too. The boy's birthday was a lie too. But fixing the grandma's roof wasn't a lie.
Before the fight, I remember the boy helping his grandma to further strengthen the roof by adding extra panels made of wood that were super huge. Bigger than him.
And he's at least 14, so that's something.
Recently, I've had a lot of strange dreams, and on top of that, the cool thing is that I remember a number of them, but only in bits and pieces, so that's not really helpful, but still.
Before 4 days ago, I couldn't even remember a single dream I had!
A few days back I had a dream that me and 2 friends were stuck in an empty MRT train.
Empty as in EMPTY. There was no people. There wasn't even any chairs or handles! It was just one container attached to the rails.
And the empty container was 2 levels high.
The destination was decided by us, the track too. We wanted to get to level 1, so we picked the option '1', and then we had to pick the track. We picked 'F', because it was the first listed.
Don't ask me why.
The whole thing is kinda stupid already. Taking the MRT means getting across the island, not going up and down in an MRT station!
Then when we realized we were on the wrong track, we just decided to relax and enjoy the free time.
But then a hanging metal box so much larger than us just slammed into the windscreen of the train, and from then on, we couldn't sit properly being so fidgetty.
I had another dream where my legs were almost chopped off while trying to chop off the other person's legs. I succeeded in doing so.
Funny. Even though the front half of my leg was chopped clean, it wasn't painful at all...
The strange thing was that Horrible Science came into my mind and I remembered in a page they had a soldier illustrate that a small injury hurts more than a big one by sticking a thorn or something into his finger, then chopping off his whole hand.
Then, being the stupid person I was, decided to walk back to my home land which was so hundreds of kilometers away ON MY INJURED FEET just to get treatment back at home.
What kind of stupid logic did my dream self possess!? Maybe she just lacked the fear and pain sensors...but walking with a foot half falling off was definitely NOT a good idea.
Then in another dream...
Okay. I shan't bore you with my dreams. I shall keep this one in my heart and only there.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Green Series
I spent the whole morning sorting out my trash in my cupboards and drawers.
Then I spent the whole afternoon walking around AMK Hub area to search for clothes.
It was my mother's idea, and she wanted me to get some decent shorts which weren't those that I usually wear.
First, we went to This Fashion, where my sister picked out a few mini shorts...
Eww, gross. She wasn't supposed to buy any in the first place, by my mother bought them anyway.
All those that my mother picked out for me were either too tight, too girly, too thick, too short, or a combination of all 4. It's usually all 4, actually.
I wanted the pants that were super baggy and looked like army shorts. They reached up to my knee, were brown, were loose, and was super boyish. That was why I liked it.
And that was the only pair of shorts I fancied, but my mother hated it...
So we went on the hunt for suitable clothes. We bought somethings on the way for my cousins for Christmas. We bought my male cousin (coincidentally called Samuel...) a small container of Gatsby hair gel for a wild and messy look or something...
My female cousin got a necklace of a lock and key.
I didn't buy anything until we reached Bosini, the last shop we entered. I.P. Zone had some really cool T-shirts, but my mother didn't want to get those for me because they were cut for males...
Damn. Why does it always turn out like that? This world is too biased. All the ugly designs go to the girls and all the good ones end up in the boys' section...
Anyway, my sis bought some stuff along the way, and finally, at Bosini, I found a few cool shirts.
Okay, not so cool shirts. 2 of them were Mr. Men shirts. I like Mr. Bump. He's just as clumsy as me! So I got a shirt featuring him.
A lady came up to us and asked us if she could buy the shirt for us because her daughter wanted that Little Miss cushion that could only be bought if you purchased a Little Miss or Mr. Men shirt.
So we agreed as she had a 40% discount because it was her birthday that month and Bosini gave discount to those celebrating their birthdays.
My mother just wanted the other shirt because if we bought 2, there would be a further discount, but the discount wouldn't be valid with the birthday discount.
Actually, I don't know why my mother bought another shirt when there was no discount for it...
Going with that, while my mother bought the 2nd Mr. Men shirt, we were given the opportunity to buy the cushion. My sis and I picked the Mr. Bump one because it was the best one out of the 3. The other 2 were both Little Miss.
Anyway, I found this really cool shirt that said Gothic Freedom in stitches. Well, though the shirt was white, it was still cool. So I got that one too.
In the car, my sister and I were fighting over the Mr. Bump cushion, because it's not supposed to be anyone's but when I wanted to show it to my brother, she was so possessive she wouldn't even let me touch it.
Then my mother said that the cushion was a Christmas present. My sister was unwilling to waste her Christmas money on anything other than clothes so I claimed it.
I now have another cushion for my use!
Hmm, before we went back, we went to This Fashion again 'cuz my mother wanted to show my dad the pair of shorts that I wanted which she claimed was too tomboyish for me.
She wanted me to be a little more feminine...she'll have to wait for a million years for that...but come to think of it, even after a million years, I doubt my spirit will want to dress more feminine anyway.
My brother mocked it, but surprisingly, my dad thought that it was okay...
We didn't buy it anyway. My father keeps thinking that I buy clothes for fasion and she claims that the baggy pants fashion will wear off after a while.
Frankly, I didn't even know that baggy pants were the 'IN' thing. And apparently, neither my mother nor my sister thought so either because they both disapproved of that pair of baggy pants.
My sister is all for short, tight pants or short skirts...
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Parfum Extrait 0
Today I went all the way to the Popular bookstore in AMKHub just to buy it. I saw it quite a while ago and REALLY wanted it.
I didn't even know it was released before I walked into the bookshop then...what kind of a fan am I?
I mean, it was released in 2006, for goodness sake! It's already 2008 going on 2009!
Anyway, while I was there, I picked up Prince of Tennis 42 too. +D
I've always wanted that book. It's the conclusion to the whole series. So far, all except 1 of the manga that I have are all Prince of Tennis...lol.
And all of my Prince of Tennis tankoubans are in Chinese...thank goodness Parfum Extrait 0 isn't...
I have books 1-5, 10, 35-42!
Anyway, I'm planning for Parfum Extrait 0 to be my Christmas present so I haven't read it yet and I won't till the 25th of December...
Man...I don't think I can wait that long...
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Today is the New Yesterday
I woke up at 10:30, expecting to just be able to slack at home using the computer all day, when Sophia called at 10:45 to remind me of the meeting that day.
She said for me to check my SMS for details. I checked it, and woe and behold, it was supposed to be at 12:30 at the pavillion.
I totally forgot that there was supposed to be a meeting...
Following that, I stupidly concluded that I needed to leave the house at 11:30 to get to the bus stop in time to get to school on time. (lol)
So I went up to use the computer.
Then it suddenly struck me that I had excluded the walking time, and I knocked myself in the head.
I shot out of my chair and hurridly dumped all the stuff needed into my bag and then ran down to cook my lunch.
Of course, not forgetting to change into my school uniform first...
I started cooking at 12:00. I finished cooking at 12:15. I downed everything by 12:20. I got out of the house by 12:25.
I rushed to the bus stop with a packet of Milo in my left hand and my water bottle in the other.
I reached the bus stop at 12:40, running after the bus that came slightly before me. I skidded to a halt before the trash bin, threw my empty packet of Milo in, and ran up the bus.
I was going 'heng'...
I reached school by 12:10, because I totally underestimated the time needed to get to school. It didn't take 45 minutes afterall...
Then we went on the discussion on our plane designs with the teachers, and decided on a new plane.
I was supposed to draw the design by today, but I'm feeling lazy...
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Ugly, Uglier, Ugliest
I mean, if compared to THIS one below, I can't believe that person had the guts to post the mouse looking girl on deviantART... Sometimes when I see pictures like the second one, I feel really depressed because I can't match up to that.
But when I see the mouse girl one, I don't know whether to laugh or feel depressed. For one, I feel like my ego has been boosted, but on the other hand, I feel like the level of art is dropping.
Actually, I can't colour. I hate colouring. So I always envy those who colour their artworks, but the mouse girl one has both terrible strokes and terrible choices of colours...
What's more, the line art itself is good enough to send me hurling...
The paragraphing is screwed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused...
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
DAMN, SHIT, CRAP (and other vulgarities I dare not put down)
I mean, she's not suppsoed to be able to use the internet curtesy of my dad because she did not buckle her seatbelt, did not behave herself, and all those minor things, which punishment add up to over 1 month of no internet time.
Then she 'begs' me to let her use the internet. I refused.
I mean, I've already allowed her to use my computer to access the internet so many times I think I'll get scolded by my dad if he ever found out.
When I refused for the freakin' 1st time, she called me selfish.
Has she ever looked at her own personality?
She's like a billion gazillion times worse than me.
The moment 'selfish' left her mouth, I felt like shoving her through the window or throwing her up the roof.
I've so kindly gave in to her so many freakin' times, and she hasn't done anything for me. What's more, on top of allowing her to use the internet through my computer, I've washed her dishes!
What gives her the freakin' right to call me selfish?
I want to scream into her face that she is the selfish one.
Does common sense even get through her ears and into her freakin' head?
She freakin' scored 256 on her PSLE! Does that not count for something? Does that not mean that she should be smart enough to shut her trap about calling me selfish?
She keeps talking about being fair, that when somebody eats 1kg of cake she must also eat 1kg or cake or more, though she only talks and bites off more than she can chew.
She's just trying to show off.
If she lives by fairness (or more, for the matter), shouldn't she do more for me and expect less?
What nonsense is this?
She's a total hypocrite!
I want to curse her to the very pits of hell, but God won't like it, so I shant.
She should be grateful for that.
If she lives by fairness, she should allow me to call her selfish without retorting!
And I've also just realized that on top of being selfish, she has no sense of responsibility or urgency except when the phone rings.
All she cares about is shopping, filling her stomach, MSN, chatting on the phone, making bimb blogskins, and taking narcissistic photos of herself.
When our door slammed but didn't shut (if you just push against our door, it won't shut, you need to push down the handle) because she didn't place the door stopper in place and the wind came, she didn't even bother looking up!
When I brought the subject up, she just continued staring at her computer screen and arranging grossly girly pictures of herself.
I can't stand that self-centered person! She only cares about herself and no one else! Not even my (and therefore her) parents!
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Just some websites to drive you nuts
-Blue Ball Machine
Try following one of them.
-Dude in a Box
Don't go here unless you're seriously bored.
-Fail Blog
If you've got nothing better to do but laugh.
-Interactive Periodic Table
For the Chemistry deprived.
-Type Till You Drop
Just some keyboard exercise
-(You can give me a suggestion to put something here)
For more, visit: http://theveillimpidthin.blogspot.com/
Game Recommendation (I)
My personal best 19.792, though that's pretty lousy, my brother got up to half a minute...
Monday, 1 December 2008
Manga Recommendation (IX)
Mangaka: Akino Matsuri
There once was a mysterious Chinese man who owns a pet shop in Chinatown. Each pet came with its own conditions, and if these were broken the shop would not be held responsible for the mishap that befalls the owner.
Meet Count D (or the grandson of Count D), a charismatic young man from China often mistaken for a female. To his customers, he claims to have inherited the pet shop from his grandfather, using the title bestowed upon his grandfather, Count D, as an alias.
Along comes a cop with exceedingly bad luck with his love life looking to ruin the Count's shop by connecting seemingly unrelated incidents back to the shop. His name is Leon Orcot.
Count D sells strange and exotic animals which sometimes take on human forms to their owners. One by one, each of the customers learn a lesson by unfortunate means, death included. A rare few find salvation in these creatures.
With a story to each chapter, it feels like an episodic turnout of events with conclusions every chapter, but throughout the series, the constant question that lingers in each reader's mind shall be whether Count D is human, or who are his ancestors.
Join them as the Count distributes lessons to the civillians, while Officer Orcot tries to tie various strange situations which include pets from the Count's shops to him.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
The Bridge Over the Field
It was very fun. We were first split into groups of 6-8 people. My group consisted of the group leader, Joshua, the over talkative guy, Samuel, another guy too quiet to remember, a really tall P6 girl, Charissa, and another P6 girl who has the same phone as me, Dorcus (sp?), a fellow female Sec 1, Jasmine, and me.
If not for the fact that the guy was the group leader, I'd probably only remember the girls and the Samuel kid's name.
So far, I know 3 Samuels. One that used to be my classmate, one that is my cousin, and one that goes to the same church and was in the same group as me. I just only realized that they have the same personality and they all don't wear glasses...
So we ate pizza first. Our group had a Hawaiian pizza and 3/8 of a Meat pizza (mostly beef). Because nobody wanted more, I consumed 2 slices of Hawaiian pizza and a slice of Meat pizza.
Well, it's Samuel's own fault that he went out to change when the Meat pizza came...
Anyway, the games were very fun. Our first station was H2, where we played the TOWEL GAME, in which we had to use only towels to transport a few objects one at a time. It's like the garbage bag game we tried in school during PE.
You place an object on the towel, the swing it so that it lands on the next towel.
We thought the game had started, so we rushed a lot. In the end, it was just a practice, and we fell on the floor laughing. Then for the rest of the games, we spent it laughing...
We lost the first 2 rounds, so we lost the whole game. It was the best of 3.
Next was H1. There we played some sort of a fishing game against my sister's group. We have 6 chairs for our use, and we must not touch the ground. If we do, we will have to have 1 less chair to use.
So, acting all leadery and making it so hard for me to not mention his name any more, Samuel went first with the fishing rods to hook up the cans.
I accidentally passed a chair that hit him, so we had a chair reduction. It was so cramped. There was once where Dorcus, Samuel and I had to squeeze onto just 1 chair...yuck.
And I haven't worked with a boy for a whole year...
We lost that one too, because we had trouble replacing the chairs back to their original position.
Then it was H4. It was catching while hopping on one foot. The rules are that we are to line up in a straight line diagonally, alternating betweens different teams. The catcher can only go in one direction and cannot cut through the line, but the runner can change direction AND cut through the line.
To make it a little easier, we were allowed to switch members by tapping another person. Once, I was so despo I just tapped a random person and almost fell one him. Good thing it turned out to be the group leader of my group...
We lost that too. 4 of our members got caught. I can just start laughing by remembering how it took only a few seconds, maybe 2, for Samuel to get caught...
The other team lost 2 members.
Then on to H3. It was a crazy game of soccer, I tell you. We had to put on goggles made of plastic cups. They slant to the side, and the small little hole at the bottom of the cup was almost useless.
So we wandered around blindly. I kicked the ball a few times, but they never landed at the goal...
I conclude that boys are much better at soccer, whichever kind, cuz in the first half which the boys played in, we scored 4 and the other team scored 5. The second half when the girls played, we scored 1 and the other team scored 6.
Aww man, we're pathetic.
Continuing, we went back to H4 where the games were cleared. Or was it H2? Either way, we sat in row according to our groups, and then the prizes were given out for the highest scoring teams.
While waiting for all the teams to arrive, I took out my notebook where I drew in and intended to draw something.
Beside me was Samuel (...), and then he pointed out that my drawings were very nice and Dorcus, on my right, agreed. It's pretty cool to see how reactions differ from those at school, those in church, and those at home.
Because I myself am very used to my drawings, I thought they were normal, but there could still be lots of improvements, but seeing how they all looked so amazed (as compared to those at school...), I was like: I'm told I'm good at drawing, but am I really this good?
Samuel tried to copy, but it turned out like a total mess. He couldn't even hold the pencil properly! I mean, he holds it as one would if he or she would die if they let go of the pencil...
How can anyone draw with such crazy pencil handling?
It turned out that his drawing had to depth, and his lines were fine with no difference in width. Heck, the hair didn't even look like hair, and the face shape...I don't even want to know. The glasses were just totally out of shape ovals connected by squiggly lines...
It looked like what I'd draw when I was, like, 4 or something.
The guy beside him said commented that there was a world of difference between the drawings...
I think he gave up...
After the prize presentation was over, I was pretty disappointed. I though we'd at least have a special acknowledgement for out enthusiasm...
Anwyay, Brother KaFei (commonly pronounced as KaFai), came through the door in his sports attire. Then Brother ZhiChao (commonly pronounced as ZiCao), pointed out that it was only after the game that he changed, and everybody started laughing.
Brother KaFei and Brother ZhiChao are best friends, and together they are the best comedians in Ignyte. Well, actually, Brother KaFei alone is enough to put a smile on the most emo person around...
Dorcus pointed my drawing out to Brother KaFei after we were dismissed, and I thought his reaction was pretty mild, so I didn't really expect it when he actually called me by my name and ask if I was going to join some design module in school.
I didn't know that if one could draw well one could design....
But my immediate reaction was: I can't believe someone actually remembers my name.
I don't really make a name for myself in church, I'm pretty much dormant.
Then my sis came over and the suddenly, Dorcus, my sis and I were in a small mini group and they were using their cell phone (I wasn't, I didn't really like using it). It was then that I noticed that Dorcus had the same phone as me.
I told her, "I have that phone too! My friend's grandmother also has it!" Then Samuel appeared out of nowhere in particular and started laughing at her and pointing at her phone.
Then I said in defence for Dorcus, "I have that phone too, you know." Somehow, I don't know why, he kinda sobered up.
Then Miranda came along. I called my sis mei and then Miranda was like so shocked that she was my sis. I really can empathize with them. I mean, my sis is so bimb. No way would I be her sister, right?
I remembered that someone else was surprised at that very same revelation. While going out, I told my sister, "I'm so surprised that someone even knows my name."
Then Samuel (again...) came up and said, "Hi, I don't know your name."
And I was like: What the heck is he doing here? and replied, "Bye. I don't know your name too."
Of course, that was a big fat lie. Who wouldn't know his name? I mean, he talks so much that he made the leader a wall flower!
Then we waited for my father at the foyer, and I decided to draw, but I couldn't think of anything at all!
I told my sister that the style of drawing was that of my favourite manga artist.
And it is! I love Kaori Yuki's style! It's so...beautifully gothic!
I laughed so much today my throat became sore...
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Ice Blue Handcuffs
It was very productive. We finally did the sketch and dimensions for the plane and decided on a method to make it.
We met up at my house and got 2 breakthroughs.
I'm glad to say I initiated both of them, though it was improved on by the others.
I was thinking of Christmas when I went to the toilet for a while. Then the first breakthrough came in the form of a brainwave. I'm not disclosing any information for other teams.
Then the other one came totally randomly. Mel contributed and improved on it.
We got so much done yesterday!
Can you believe that while we were supposed to meet at Junction 8 bus stop, some people went to the interchange?
There was even a sign that stated 'Bishan Road Bus Stop' with an arrow pointing in the direction and some people missed.
The first to come was Mel. We talked about anime. Then Anabelle called to ask where the bus stop was, so I went meet up with her half-way.
After a long while, Sophia called to ask where at the interchange we were, and I told her it was the bus stop right beside the MRT station and she came.
My sis was so hostile to them...even when Anabelle said hello, she didn't reply.
Anyway, Chun Hui said she'd come straight to my house (I asked Sophia about that). I was wondering how she'd know where my house is when she came to my house the moment we arrived.
Someone suggested that she may have checked the class list.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Manga Recommendation (VIII)
Mangaka: Kaori Yuki (Penname, real name being Yuki Kaori, though I don't see much difference)
This is a psychological manga, not your average love story. Actually, it's only a oneshot, about 15 pages long.
It implies incest, but the most captivating thing about it is how much it makes you think till your head splits apart.
Kaori Yuki has a way with words, and through her drawings, creates a mood more dark and gothic than any you've ever experienced.
A young man reads a letter from his sister, supposedly to have suicided by cutting her wrists as suggested by the swirling mix of crimson liquid and clear water, a knife resting by the side.
He was the one whom his sister first loved, and also the one who compelled her to marry a man the total opposite of him to forget about his existance when she found out his true nature.
Faking her disappearance, he keeps her locked up in the basement turned deathbed where she killed herself.
Before dying she writes him a letter.
The exact same contents of it was also sent to the police station. It is supposedly after her death that the police came and investigated the basement, where they stumble across the young man kissing someone lying on the bed where his sister had supposedly died in.
The kiss stained his lips blood red.
That's all I gathered from overloading my brain trying to make sense of it all.
My guess is that the person is his sister, though how she looked so much like a guy I do not quite understand. Going along with that, I think that the suicide mission failed.
If this makes you think my mind has been twisted beyond recognition, my firm answer is NO. If they had labelled 'incest' under 'genres', I'd probably have given this one a miss.
While Cosplaying, Waist Size Needs to be Considered

Okay. The one in the Middle is a cosplaying a GIRL called Fujioka Haruhi. The blondie at your right is an emotional GUY called Suou Tamaki. The black haired on the left with a pair of glasses in his hands is a GUY called Kyouya (I forgot his surname).

Ugh. They all look like idiots, ‘cept for Kyouya… somehow I have a feeling all of them are girls excluding Mori…either that or very feminine guys with a kinky interest in romance mangas which rotates around reverse harems (meaning lots and lots of bishies [good looking guys] in the manga).
This is what the original Ouran Host Club looks like.

From the back and also right to left: New found manager whose name I forgot (The girl in green), Kyouya (Guy in white), Mori (Guy with brown hair in black shirt), Tamaki (Guy with red fan), Hani (Actually a 17 year old buy looks very kiddish), Hikaru (Guy with cat ears), Haruhi (Girl with brown hair, probably a wig), Kaoru (Guy with mouse ears).
Compare. Frankly speaking, I much prefer the anime version thank you, but if I were to pick my favourite cosplayer, it’ll be this one.

Really looks like…but of course. The cosplayer’s Asian, I think. And I’m also thinking the cosplayer’s a girl.
There are 2 kinds of eyes in Asia. The big ones and the squinty ones. The squinty eyes only fit Kyouya and Mori. Maybe a little on Hikaru and Kaoru. The big ones should go for almost everybody else, especially Hani, but Haruhi should have them too.
Anyway, there are other cooler people to cosplay. Like Hibari (from Kate(i)kyou Hitman Reborn!), for example.

Both images are good. I’ll pick out the original Hibari from the manga later.
And there’s always people who try to cosplay Allen from D.Gray-Man.

And this one.

You can tell which one I prefer.
The original character:
See? So big a difference. Anyway, Allen’s actually English, not Japanese or some other Asian. But somehow Asians cosplay better for mangas…
This is a cosplay for (from left to right): Allen Walker, Lenalee Lee, Lavi, Kanda Yuu.
I think Kanda’s cosplayer is pretty good, but not angry enough. This is what the original Kanda looks like.
This is Lavi. The short old man by his side is his would-be predecessor, Bookman (really, that’s his name…and also his title).
Kid on the left is Allen. Lenalee’s the girl with black hair. I’m doing this post during a period with no internet (or rather, the connection is cut off by my dad), so I’ll have to make do with whatever pictures I have on my computer (that I stole from elsewhere).
Some of them are there just for kicks. Like the cosplayers from the West (or something).
And…oh look. Here are some people aiming to destroy my image of both Ciel and Sebestian (from Kuroshitsuji). Or maybe they're just trying to get me to lose my dinner...
They’re trying to recreate this scene but failing terribly…for one, their curtains are both in the wrong place and have a wrong colour.
I know it’s pretty small, but make do with it. Sebestian is the butler of Ciel. Ciel is the one dressed in crimson, Sebestian in black.
The cosplayers looked like they binged before taking the shot. They need to watch their diet. They look so much chubbier (and less appealing) than the originals…
They’re also out of proportion. Sebestian is supposed to be much taller than Ciel. And both of them are supposed to be skinny…
Found it. This is Hibari Kyouya. Though it’s not taken from the manga, it does bear a completely striking resemblance to the original artwork.
Hibari is a cool character who acts like he lives in a dog eat dog world...
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Thick white drops of tears
Those whose heart have gone dry and need Jesus to come and soften it, those who have commited sins that need to be forgiven, and those who want to receive Christ into their lives were called down.
There were 2 more, but I can't remember. You all know my fabulous memory.
Basically, I went for the first one listed. I haven't done quiet time. I haven't prayed to God. I have done nothing that shows I'm a Christian.
All I have been was a good girl. Well, as good as my definition of 'good' can get.
I washed my shoes, I eat my greens, I don't spout vulgarities (like some people I know).
That's all. Just that.
Isn't that a little dull for a Christian? The only Christian-y thing I've done is go to church.
And of course, tried to invite Zann along.
Back to what I was talking about before. I went down for alter call, and by the looks of my friends faces when I returned, they must have thought I did something naughty...
Sigh. Whatever shall I do?
It was the first time I went down for alter call without anybody accompanying me, but somehow, courage just flowed through my veins and put a reign on me. It directed me like a horse to before the stage.
There, I was administered to in tongues. Just like a well about to dry up from the scorching heat but refreshed till it could hold no more during the monsoon period, sparkles fell from the edge.
Living waters overflowed within me, just like the song that was playing: 'Living waters flow over, come wash from deep within, my heart is ready now."
Like a barren desert that suddenly brimmed with life, it was like some revelation was bestowed upon me. Like all the dryness has been washed away by Jesus' tears.
It felt like I was renewed. Reborn.
Okay. I know that doesn't sound like me. You must be thinking I got kidnapped and someone else took over my identity.
No no. That can NEVER happen. God will save me. That, I'm sure of.
Everytime something happens without a reason, the immediate thought in my mind is: 'God is trying to teach me a lesson.'
I don't know why, but when anything occurs, my reasoning will be that it is God's divine arrangement.
Our worship today lasted 40 minutes, in which we sang our hearts out, jumped and danced till our feet and legs wore out, our lungs deflated like a balloon with multiple pricks.
It was so cramped down there at the front that once, I accidentally jumped on the left foot of the guy beside me. Oops.
I want to be like the P6 boys in front of me. Even when no one else was jumping, they did just that. I want to be able to lose myself in God so much that the rest of reality just becomes a vague blur.
But then again, maybe the boys were just...out of touch with the world. Like little kids are. Don't know embarrassment...
I've only worshipped this long for once or twice more so I quickly ran out of stamina, but I heard that at the church camp I'm going to we were to worship for 4 hours.
I would like to experience that.
Today I got my watch fixed at my grandpa's house too.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Well, I wanted to go see my sis get her PSLE grades, so I quietly went along like a nice child.
Er...maybe not so nice. Or quiet. My mother and I exchanged and hurled insults and stubborn refusals at one another because I didn't want to wear that 3/4 pants.
I mean, who wears something like that to her old old school to see her sister get her results?
My mother sort of gave in and told me to wear it in the car cuz' we were running late.
Due to my totally immovable nature (when it comes to fashion, cuz' I will most definitely NOT sacrifice comfort for looks), I did not change.
Anyway, who'd be so stupid to change in the car with a brother, a sister, and a mother? You'd have to be either a stripper or a suicidal emo kid to do that.
So we trooped up to the hall with me still in my black pants which I utterly refused to change out of. We got there pretty early and could get seats.
Blame my absolutely short attention span and the lack of a table. I couldn't draw and I was growing VERY bored, so I left the hall to walk around the 2nd floor of the school I was in a long long long long time ago.
Heck. No teacher recognized me, and I could only recognize 1 teacher: Mister Mohan.
Hm, so I came back pretty early still, and left when the said the results would not be revealed till 12:00 (bless God for such good timing to come back then).
At 11:52, I finished walking the length of the level 2 corridor, so I went back and settled down by 11:53.
It took a whole long time to get through the boring slides on selecting the schools. The top was Rachel Tay Boon (something) who got 275.
Then 2 other someones got above 270, and the next person got 267, and then 263, 263 and there is another person whose scores I forgot.
The Rachel Tay is from my sis' class, and one of the 263s, someone called Russel (who looks and acts pretty feminine [on top of that, he's short]), was from the same class too.
Rosyth had more to brag about last year. Our high scores range from 282 to 270 (and there was more than 10). The batch from Hougang same age as my sis had high scores ranging from 275 to 260 (and there was only 7)...
Boring as it can get, there was something to keep my mind off it. I kept wondering how much my sis got. I'm pretty satisfied that she didn't get higher than me because she wasn't on the slide list of 260s and up.
I got 266.
After a long while trying to get through the crowd of people, we reached my sis and her class. She hadn't yet gotten her results. So we waited.
She got called up by her teacher, who (as my sis later told us) said, 'Sharlene, very good. 256.'
Frankly, that's just okay for me...
But my sis was over ecstatic, claiming that she could get a new handphone, a bag, and a wallet.
What I'd like to say is: dream on. She wasn't supposed to have a handphone, but my father gave her the one that came with the starhub TV decoding device (or something).
There's NO way that he'd get her a new wallet (I never even heard tell of it...). What he agreed on was a new handphone, but since she got a handphone when she wasn't supposed to have one, she ended up with a (much cheaper) bag instead.
Something from Ink Edition (or the likes). We went to the coffee shop near LSC (ah...you probably won't know about this. I only got a blog after I transferred to JC) and ate wanton mee (except for me, who ate wanton horfun).
Before the food came, I went to the playgroud just about 10 meters away and tried the monkey bars. Amazingly, I could complete it! =D
After I tried almost every part of the playground, I went to the area underneath it where there are simple musical scores on 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', 'Row Row Row Your Boat', 'London Bridge is Falling Down' and 'Are You Sleeping'.
I sang all of them. Pretty fun. The bell-sounding-pressing-keys were all 'hanged' (in layman's computer term) so they didn't work.
When my sis called me to tell my food had arrived, I left, and had to sit through a long torturous narcissistic bragging by my sis about how she got about 255 (her target) and how much she improved from the prelims (from 251 to 256).
I've got a feeling it just didn't go into her head that the person opposite her (that would be the totally and absolutely humble me [just kidding]) got much higher than 255 (266, in fact) and improved much more than she did (from 249 to 266).
Her empty and useless bragging simmered down when she heard another cousin of mine (same age as her) got 264 while we went to buy her bag after lunch. Scary. I was almost knocked off my throne...
Another cousin the same year as my sis got 181 (will remain nameless, not that the one before was named...), which I'll say with no intention to put anyone down or be egoistical (like my sis), is pretty terrible.
To me, a norm is 245, that's because when my brother got his PSLE scores, he got 249, and due to the face that I've never really compared with other families (or classes for the matter, I was always surrounded by people my calibre), I thought that was what most people will get.
Until I saw last year that Rosyths average of 233 was (as proclaimed by the principal) very good.
My jaw almost dropped. I was wondering: Oh my goodness. Don't tell me I got that...
I was VERY surprised when I saw I got 3 A*s and my overall was 266. My sis got 1 A* (for Math), and my brother got 2 A*s (for Math AND Science). The only one I didn't get A* for was Chinese, but it was pretty amazing how I didn't get a B for that one.
Back to the topic of my cousins and their PSLE scores. The cousin my age got 255, the cousin my brother's age got 259. So I thought 245 was VERY normal, because almost everyone I know got above 245.
The 181 is an outlyer...
There. I think I'd better stop my own bragging for fear I grow to become my sister.
Fun Facts:
`Did you know my sister allowed her (bimb) friend to draw on her?
`Did you know my sister took over 15 minutes just to take pictures with her friends yesterday?
`Did you know my sister bought a friendship ring and wore it even in school and after my father threatened her that if she continued wearing it he'd take away her internet?
`Did you know my sister granted her friends permission to paint her nails?
`Did you know my sister is a prefect and yet broke so many rules?
`Did you know my sister just became the most bimb person I've met (except for a certain someone(s) from class 110'08 or RGS)?
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Snowflakes from my hair
We were forced to sit through 2 torturous hours of having to remember weird names of parts of a plane and their uses.
It wasn't so bad, cuz' Sophia's house is like an adventure waiting to be explored.
Her back garden is superb amazing. It held their kitchen (used to cook oily food, the non-oily one is in the building), a pond (very huge), and about 2 levels of wooden platforms.
The top floor was the roof top. Below that is something like an attic. Connecting to below is a stairs so narrow that my big toe dangles off the edge if I push my leg in to fit it.
We learnt about ailerons, elevators, spoilerons, elevons, rudders, fuselages, wing cords, airofoils (sp?), flaperons, slats, nose lengths, moment arms, horizontal and vertical stabilizers, cockpits, and many more (too traumatized to name the rest).
It was pretty fruitful, today's discussion.
Our meeting ended pretty early, so we were able to go to the playground nearby to play (though the sign stated it was only for 5-12 years olds...).
I tried the monkey bars, but I haven't done it in so many years my palms ached just from clinging on to 3 bars...
We went back when Chun Hui's parent(s) arrived to pick her up from Sophia's house (wasted my effort carrying my bag along...).
We tried to watch Fantastic 4 but didn't go far as Rachel's mom came. She offered to pick me up and send Anabelle to Heartland mall if Sophia could direct her.
Once Anabelle got off, she sent Sophia back, and we got lost trying to get out.
Anyway, I was able to hitch a ride because they were going to pick Rachel's dad up from his office (which is very near my house) anyway.
I loved Sophia's black Puma cap. She wore it to the MRT station where she met us.
I stole it and wore it all till the end of the meeting...
They said I looked emo in it (that's because I was already wearing all black...).
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Silver Finish on my Shower Tap
I found more Hiakru no Go mangas there. I borrowed up till volume 9 (minus 5) as I was able to use my sister's card.
Then I got my father to pick us up. Wow. I sound like a bossy manager. Anyway, the MRT ride to Jurong East MRT station was pretty hectic.
We got on the train at Bishan MRT station, but somehow the train service terminated at Ang Mo Kio, so we had to get off.
I was very confused. All the time I went to Jurong East, I never had to get off.
So we just waited for the next train and boarded that one.
The rest of the days, we just ate junk I could find in the refrigerator at home. Of course, I heated up the food first...sometimes I had to steam, sometimes I had to microwave...how troublesome.
A week ago on a Saturday, I left my ruler in my ballet class (I was drawing while my sister's class was on), and yesterday (also a Saturday), I forgot to ask the teacher for the ruler...
Then just today, it slipped my mind that my watch is a totally screwed up one which hands move no longer. So I didn't ask my grandfather to fix it (I ate dinner at his house).
I feel like a total dork and moron...
Monday, 10 November 2008
Manga Recommendation (VII)
Author: Inagaki Riichirou
Artist: Murata Yusuke
This manga is about a boy, Sena, who has lightning fast feet and thus got dragged into the American Football team by the most fearsome guy in the school, Hiruma.
Hiruma resorts to ammunition and blackmail to get his way, and frankly, he looks like a devil just as the school's team name, Devil Bats, suggest...
The American Football team that originally only consists of 2 people, Hiruma and a superb overweight guy called Kurita, grows a lot as more people join the team (courtesy of Hiruma's crude methods).
Sena's identity is hidden on the field, as Hiruma has come to a conclusion that if his identity were to be revealed, all the sports club would be desperate for a piece of him.
So on the field, Sena is known as Eyeshield 21 because of the eyeshield of his helmet (permission granted due to a forged letter by Hiruma) and his jersey number, 21.
This series is about how he, a small person overcomes his adversities in a hilarious coming of age comedy while trying to stay alive with Hiruma's fire power ready to be used and not getting his identity revealed.
Correction Tape
On her birthday just 2 days ago, she got reprimanded by my dad cuz' she was showing behaviour that was terrible (a.k.a. Terrible Behaviour).
Just for that, he took away her internet access.
My sister was so dull at her own birthday party that it was no fun at all. But we kept the spirit up and ate cake that night and the next day for breakfast.
The next day, a Sunday, we went to church as usual, though brother ZiCao forced all his cell group members to go for the church camp (which I really don't want to go!!!).
After church, we went to Compass Point to have lunch to celebrate my sis' birthday. Swensen's was perfect. Their Fish n' Chips was superb, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, both for the fish and the chips.
I ordered Chicken Baked Rice, which was rice (that tasted like fried rice) with melted cheese cooked with chicken slices.
It was heavenly. My brother thought that the salt was cheese (because my mother said that it was without properly analyzing the contents) and then had a hard time eating his rice...
We ordered some ice-cream a while later, which was so nice. The ice-cream was thick and creamy, and the whipped cream, though a little warm, was so soft and sweet.
Then just today, after my dad picked me up from the library near Jurong East MRT station, he went to pick her up from school.
He had told her to stay put in school and wait for him to come, but woe betode, she didn't appear for over 15 minutes.
We both thought that she would be in school, cuz' when my father called (many times) and she picked up (once), she said she was in school and waiting for him.
When she appeared (like from out of nowhere), it seemed that she was not at school but at her friend's house.
OMG! My father got so mad that he took away her phone priveleges.
Anyway, today was a pretty hectic day.
I woke up at 7 plus (a bit early for my taste, but still), then went onto the computer. Internet comes on at 08:00, so I waited a while and to pass time, I browsed through my old files.
When internet came, I made full use of it. During that time, I packed a small bag.
At about 10:30, I got off the computer and went to change into my school uniform.
I got my bag and went down to the music room. There, I practised a little piano, then went down again to the first floor.
I was pretty amazed and surprised that my father had prepared my bottle for me. I didn't expect him to so I thought of preparing it myself, but he got ahead of me.
Happy as I was, my mood was ruined by the ridiculous lies spouted from the Cisco alarm system that said that one of the windows was open, when it apparently wasn't.
Gag. Wasted so much of my time running up and down to search for the open window which doesn't exist at all...
The bus came very late, and while walking to the bus stop, I got my shoes all wet. I arrived at Junction 8 just in time. There was 2 minutes more until the train to Jurong East arrives.
I went down the escalator, pretty confused by the sign stating that the train was only to Marina Bay. When I got to the platform, I couldn't find a train going in the opposite direction, so I raced up again.
Then I spotted the escalator leading to the platform I needed to go to amidst the anxiety that I may miss the train and had to wait for the next one.
I tumbled down the stairs and got there just as the train pulled in. I really had to thank God for that one.
The whole 45 minute ride on the train was boring.
Upon arriving at Jurong East MRT station, I got out at the right (cuz' there were less people) and exited the station.
Just then, I noticed my phone ring. It was my father. I followed his instructions and headed to the place where my father was supposed to pick me up.
I went through Popular (of course not without stopping to admire the mangas there) and waited for him by the road.
I just stood there like a plain idiot, inhaling the smoke from various cigarette buds and almost killing my nose when I noticed that my father had pulled in at the opposite side of the road.
I ran across the road and crossed it as the green man turned red.
I got to the Science Center without a problem from there. The workshop was pretty much a mess as the first speaker was almost incomprehendable due to the extensive usage of chim words.
The second speaker was much easier to understand because he explains the terms more clearly.
We disappeared and went to McDonalds for lunch, where I had a Fillet-o-Fish student meal set plus an extra DoubleCheeseBurger.
How filling!
We went to the library by Jurong East MRT station and discussed our schedule and roles there.
We were pretty confused with how ailerons and the wing shape work. We initially thought they worked on the same principle, but I just found out that the wing shape utilizes air pressure, while the ailerons simply require the wind force.
During a 5 minute break (which I dragged out to 10 minutes), I went checking out the comic section. They had Dragon Voice! They had Eyeshiled 21! (I'll talk about that in the next post) They had Hikaru no Go!
I wanted to borrow all of them, but I didn't know the quota, so I only got 5 (which would have been over the quota if it were in normal circumstances anyway).
I got Eyeshiled 21 6, Hikaru no Go 1-4. YAY FOR ME!
So yeah, that's how I ended up with these books by me right now.
P.S. I think I grew taller, cuz' at my grandma's house on Friday I was able to touch a part of the hanging display in her house that I've never been able to touch before. YAY!