My mum's birthday was yesterday, I only remembered at noon (yesterday) so I rushed to make her a card in the evening.
I feel sooooo blessed by giving her the card. Don't know why. I just felt like I was glowing with pride. I just can't help but feel happy when I think I made someone happy!
We celebrated her birthday with a cake today.
It was the first time after so long that I've had a cake that didn't have blueberry filling! So happy!
The chocolate on the cake was nice too. Yum!
The cream was awesome!
Er...the whole cake was awesome, yes?
I cooked spaghetti for lunch today. It was the best I've done! It was surprisingly easy, though it took a long time and lots of my patience...
I'm thinking I cooked too little. I didn't even feel half-full when I was done with my share...
Oh yea. Today, just before eating the cake during dinner, my sis sat with a cushion (about 70cm x 70cm between her legs at her...you know what.
I told her not to. She said she could because she was the one who took the cushion out so she had the right. And she wouldn't let me touch it.
Oh, you know what? She kept stealing Mr. Bump and hiding him, squishing him, abusing him (I'm gonna sue her for sexual harrassment or outrage of modesty toward soft toys...) and she calls me selfish!
So basically, now that she just went and criticized her own behaviour, she is hereby banned from even TOUCHING Mr. Bump because I not only took Bump out, but I also OWN Bump.
She should really consider her own behaviour first before pointing out my faults. It's like she's so focussed about the splinter in me she overlooked the log in her eye...