Monday, 9 July 2007

Worm in my food! Argh!

Actually, it''s not my food, it's Cass', and it happened yesterday so it's a delayed message that I want to get across. NEVER EVER BUY FOOD FROM STALL 5 ANYMORE, THEY DON'T GIVE A WHINNY ABOUT HYGIENE, THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT MONEY, THOSE MONEY MINDED, SELF-CENTRED, EGOISTIC PEOPLE RUNNING STALL 5. THEY SUCK, I CAN ASSURE YOU. There, done. I think I got my message across... to no one at all. Because no one comes to my blog. At all.

My blog is gonna die in like

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BOOM! My blog is officially dead! Woot! The enemies of me and my blog are rejoicing! (I don't get what's there to rejoice about, I mean, a DEATH! even of a blog's it's still a death, and that's murder. Some are responsible but all are guilty [Wait, it's the opposite, some are quilty, but all are responsible, or is it? I'm confused...]! You people are all guilty and responsible for the murder of my blog, why, you vicious blood sucking pigs! I'M GONNA KILL YA!

So anyway, Linkin Park rocks because they chose a place where there would be very little litter to perform! Woot! LINKIN PARK RAWKS LIKE MAD! So continuing, Linkin Park is very smart.

1) This morning, Glor (or was it someone else? anyway, it doesn't really matter) borrowed YT's Maths paper for some only God-knows-what reasons
2) Then she asked me to give it back to YT
3) I passed it to Gary
4) For some weird reasons, when we were walking up the spiral stairs, Samuel came up to Cass and I
5) He said," I put YT's paper in Nick's bag. See his reaction when he finds out."
6) Then of course, we due to our wild imgination started to picture the scene
7) Then when Nick got back to class, he opened his bag
8) The first thing he saw was.....
9) YT's paper!!!
10) Clumsily pushed into his bag, stuffed, more like
11) Then he pushed it to Samuel/Darren as if it was some kind transmitable cancer or some kind of VERY fatal (note VERY) virus
12) They pushed it back
13) This went on for about, hmm...7 seconds
14) Then YT went to take her paper back
15) Then I shot Gary a look
16) I mean, how could the paper have landed in their hands when I gave it to him, not them?
17) He pointed to Samuel, Darren and Alex
18) Then he said,"They snatched it from me!"
19) Whoever the heck 'THEY' is I don't know
20) But I thank them for a good start of a boring day and week at school

LOL and this is how the very exciting, more exciting than fire breathing dragons and damsels in distress, story ends. It didn't have a happy ending, we were all so sad when it ended, it was funny, but, shouldn't you people stop teasing poor YT and start to treat her not like dirt (but not like a queen either) but like a NORMAL person?

I mean, she's okay, not that bad. But, NOBODY'S PERFECT! And no, Cass, ZB, my poor little puny mind isn't corrupted by all her talk about what a poor little thing she is.

Come one, she's just a girl, but anyway, a normal girl would have someone like her, and very very VERY surprisingly, someone DOES like her. Not obliged to disclose the person's name. Well, but that means... I'M NOT A NORMAL GIRL!

Well, of course I'm not, no normal girl would go gaga about some metal, non-chinese, all male bands like LINKIN PARK and MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE! But both Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance still rock so much! I overheard some girls from NanYang talking about My Chemical Romance's 'Teenagers' and one of the girls wanted it, badly. =) I'm so lucky to have that song.

Hmm... I seem to be getting to know quite some inside information about some people, like who likes YT and who Hernes is...

Anybody fancy to tell me more about their love or secret life? I would be glad to keep it but not to disclose it. So far I haven't disclosed anything about YT's secret admirer or Hernes.