Anyway, I already recorded it. Woohoo! But they only show 1 or 2 songs from each band. BOOOOO.
Back to Friday {flashback}
Hmmm, if you ever plan on kidnapping anybody, you must follow these rules of the kidnapping nation:
1. Check up the hostage's background
2. Check up the hostage's personality
3. Check your health status
4(a). Check your way of signing the ransom
4(b). Don't be gay when you sign the ransom
5. Be a man
Lessons taught by the story from English. LOL! Really funny. But the humor's hard to grasp.
Let's just say PE was far more interesting than usual because we finally get to play something that is not dodgeball. Or poison ball, which is practically the same.
Back to Saturday {flashback}
Saturday was all crapped up!!! NanYang's DSA tests weren't that tough, with the glorious exception of Chinese. Chinese was o so difficult. Man, it was like dying. It was probably worse than dying, because after you die you can't feel the pain of failure anymore, cos' you're dead. So dead. A dead corpse. If Lord Voldemort comes to your house, you'd be even deader than an inferi (refer to Harry Potter books 6 (Half-Blood Prince) and 7 (Deathly Hallows)), which is of course more alive than just any dead corspe.
NanYang's Maths was easy like crap, then English was a little better than crap, and Chinese was jsut crapped up. Guess what we had for lunch? McDonalds! That's right! We paid S$80 just to take that stupid test and we end up having only an apple pie and a chicken burger (which is not even a double). Stingy people.
But I still think that I have more chance in RGS than in NanYang. Because RGS is just like the GEP entrance test while the NanYang's is like a P6's SA2 exam paper to a 6 year old. That's right. I was just about to die on the spot when I saw the paper.
But guess what? My father bought Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows while I was a NanYang! But due to the fact that I had claimed the ownership of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (which I think is the best book of the 6, considering that I haven't read even 1/10 of the 7th instalment of the Harry Potter series), the Deathly Hallows became my brother's, but he let me read some of the time, and in a day, I've read until Chapter 4!!! Whoopee! But the ending is darned cliche. I read it before I started reading the book. The ending sucks. I had expected more of the good guys to die, and Harry lived! What the heck lah! Then he went on to marry Ginny and Ron went on to marry Hermione.
Today my church organised a Fun in the Sun day (a.k.a. Fun Day) at Palawan beach.
Today was pretty fun, and I daresay that I got quite a tan, considering I've never been in direct contact with the sun for 5 hours straight before. Much less 1 hour. So you can guess my skin's pretty red. But it was fun. I made a Linkin Park logo in the sand and took a picture of it, incase someone smashed it by steppin on it, which was exactly what happened a few short minutes after I had showed it to my brother which was a mere few minutes after I completed it. It was a masterpiece in the sand!!! My best artwork ever!
Hey, and I forgot to mention, LIVE EARTH'S HIGHLIGHTS ARE TODAY! Whee! and I recorded it, but I suppose they only showed one song of each band, and I suppose the Linkin Park song they showed was What I've Done cos' it's the most meaningful. I didn't watch it, but I'm going to once I have the time. But the What I've Done live wasn't as nice a Breaking the Habit live.
Need to 'get the engine started' for PSLE. That's what my father said, so bye.