-You've broken the law:
I... I... I... dunno
-You've looked at nudie pics online:
Never. Nudie pics suck.
-You've secretly wished someone harm:
Yes. My sis.
-You've kissed someone you shouldn't be kissing:
-You've said something so mean it made someone cry:
I don't think so, but others have said things to me though.
-You've done illegal drugs:
Never will.
-You've killed a bug:
Yeah. Once I chewed on a queen ant. It tasted horrible and vile and it stung. NEVER EAT AN ANT!
-You've spit in someone's drink:
No. I wouldn't like people to do that to me.
-You've sought revenge on someone:
Most of the time on my sister over accidental kicks and punches. I return it, hard.
-You've made a prank phone call:
No, no guts.
-You've turned people against someone:
Yes. Forgot who already.
-You've illegally downloaded music online:
No. I don't know how to.
-You've flirted with someone to make someone else jealous:
No. Flirting is not cool.
-You've told racist / sexist jokes:
If I did, then I don't remember.
-You've called someone the "c" word:
What's the 'c' word?
-You've made a promise you knew you were going to break:
I don't like to break promises or lie.
-You've done the "walk of shame"
What the hell is a "walk of shame"?
-You've corrupted a minor:
Well, yeah. Does having gangsterlike tattoos on my hand and shoulder in a corridoor in the Singapore National Eye Center with many kids consider?
-You've divulged someone's dark secret:
Yeah. I've told others who my sister likes - Ryan Oh. (What's his surname again?)
-You've made fun of a retarded person:
NO! Why would anybody do that?
-You've cheated on a test... or a lover:
LOVER MY FOOT! I haven't even found love! I've cheated on 听写. XP
-You don't believe in God:
No. I believe in God. God rocks.
-You hate kids:
No. I'm a kid myself. Why would I hate myself?
-You've gotten in a fist fight:
No. Mostly feet fight. Sister.
-You made someone's life hell in school:
Quite the contrary, I made a friend's life in school heaven.
-You've shoplifted or stolen from someone:
Never in my life.
-You've been so drunk you couldn't remember the night before:
I never drink.
-You've vandalized someone's car or house:
Yes. I don't know whether you count drawing on your school tables as vandalism because I do that all the time.
-You've made fun of a fat person:
Yes. Primary school.
-You have a fondness for disturbing pictures / anime:
-You've blamed a fart on someone else:
Not really, I just pretend that I didn't fart.
-You enjoy setting things on fire:
No. Definitely not.
-You've been arrested:
No. What the hell would I be arrested for?
-You've secretly backstabbed a friend:
What is backstabbing?
-You would choose your life over the lives of 100,000 strangers:
No. I'd rather die. Death is imminent and it cannot be avoided.
-You would kill for 1,000,000 if you were guaranteed not to get caught:
Money sucks.
-You've harmed yourself to get attention:
I harm myself all the time but I'm not sure about attention. +)
-You have a nemesis:
Sister. And Winifred.
-You believe in an eye for an eye... or even more for an eye:
No. But I do take revenge, still.
-You don't think lying to a stranger is a big deal:
In fact I do think it is a big deal, lying is a bad thing.
-You think giving to the homeless is wasting money:
No. I'm so surprised at myself for not checking that box.
-You'll pick evil over stupid any day:
No never.
-You aren't bothered by seeing others in pain:
I am bothered by pain you idiot.
-You'd rather have world domination than world peace:
For this, I'll be really honest and say I'd rather have peace. I hate domination because it makes you famous and you look like a dork in history textbooks.
-You enjoy very violent video games:
No. I don't even play them/
-You are disgusted by weak people:
No. I always feel sympathy.
-You would keep a wallet full if cash if it came your way:
No. Just returnit to the lost and found corner. Maybe you'll get a prize, but I've never gotten one for all the honesty I've shown. sigh.
-You rather harm an enemy than help a friend:
No. I have christian morals to follow.
-You've shot a gun... and liked it:
I've never shot anything before.
-You'd rather be a supervillian than a superhero:
Villians might be a fun role to play...