Thursday, 28 June 2007

My O so dormant blog (online diary, in case you don't know)

I feel so shitty today. What the hell, I said the 'f' word! Well, you see, it's more like sang, but it's still the 'f' word! I'm so dead! I was singing 'I'm Not Okay (I Promise)' by 'My Chemical Romance' during English and there was this 'f' word in the song and I accidentally said (okay! sang) it. I'm so dead. Now press the repeat button to hear this freakin' message again.

I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit tonight

O yeah, I'm trying to break the habit of saying the 'f' word (but I haven't said it ever since and I haven't said it before either...). I feel so guilty, I misplaced my parents', God's, my friends' and my trust into the bin! Oh my gosh! I'm so dead. (Press repeat to hear 'I'm so dead' again.) Hmmm, maybe we should make a song called 'I'm so dead'. Nice title anyway (even if the song is not). I hate it when all my song ideas come rushing to me at night, at that time, I don't want to get up and guess what ? (It's not much of a guess but) I forgot all about ithem tht next day. I so hat myself. Why at night? Why not in the morning then I can write them down?

Today was cool, we learnt how to draw Manga. Oops, I forgot to go to (is that the webby?). I admit, it was a little boring, I didn't draw one eye one eye, one nose one nose, one mouth one mouth and so on. I immediately started on the person. And I drew another just just now! (the 'just' was supposed to be repeated). I drew some kind of super hero called 'Ruby Black'. Of course, I'd colour her red and black. Then I plan on making a character called 'Emerald Blue'. She'll be Green and Blue, of course. Maybe I sould make a guy? Something like...dunno. Maybe instead I should make the band members of my band Suffocation Squared! Yo! How cool is that? I'll just make Hernes faceless! Haha! Na. I'll just make him a face... any face will do for him.