Friday, 1 June 2007


If you're crazy over 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance, welcome to this blog! You can listen to the song all you want, this blog is called: The-Blog-With-Unlimited-Time-Of-Listening-To-The-Same-Song-Until-You-Get-Tired-Of-The-Song!

Well, if you've been comin 2 my blog often, there's nothing much for the past few days...

Anyway, my new e-mail is '' any queries? My '' is flooded with junk mail. But u can still send 2 the old mail...jus dun send 2 my hotmail account can already. =D

Yesterday, I went 2 downtown, 2 stay @ the resorts. *sigh* I made my mother angry and then, poof, she disappeared off 4 like 2 hours. xP then i said srry, then we went for lunch 2gether. We came back @ around 13:05 2day. 2day escape was fun, except 4 the rain, it was darned cold. and guess wat? escape played 'One Step Closer' and 'Points of Authority' (by Linkin Park, that's y i'm so excited)! Whoo hoo! it was so cool! i mean, like such a big theme park and of all the songs, they chose these songs!

For the details, please contact Rachelle Lee at: But I hope you won't.

I've broken the bridge
That I've built in a hurry
I've tried to do this
I did them in a flurry
Why kick up such a big fuss
When you've got all day
If not, there's still
The day after today

Also known as tomorrow
If you need to help
With understanding
All that kelp
You'd do anything,
To poke your nose
Into other's business
The fairy would turn it to a hose

Go blow those mines
But ya got no control
Over the controls
So you went to Metro
To do some shopping
You picked up a doll
On the counter
You threw from the top floor

You got caught
You got sent to the police station
The police man said,
"You want do that go play station.
We got no time for you,
Or people like you,
Who wast our time,
Go find some dog poo."

Ahh, I didn't mean 2 be rude. I just needed 2 find something that rhymes, i'm better @ doing angst stuff. i cannot do humor. XP

Seriously, i think i'll rather be numb foreva than see YT again@ the end of the hols. Brrrrrrr.