Thursday, 28 June 2007
My O so dormant blog (online diary, in case you don't know)
I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight
O yeah, I'm trying to break the habit of saying the 'f' word (but I haven't said it ever since and I haven't said it before either...). I feel so guilty, I misplaced my parents', God's, my friends' and my trust into the bin! Oh my gosh! I'm so dead. (Press repeat to hear 'I'm so dead' again.) Hmmm, maybe we should make a song called 'I'm so dead'. Nice title anyway (even if the song is not). I hate it when all my song ideas come rushing to me at night, at that time, I don't want to get up and guess what ? (It's not much of a guess but) I forgot all about ithem tht next day. I so hat myself. Why at night? Why not in the morning then I can write them down?
Today was cool, we learnt how to draw Manga. Oops, I forgot to go to (is that the webby?). I admit, it was a little boring, I didn't draw one eye one eye, one nose one nose, one mouth one mouth and so on. I immediately started on the person. And I drew another just just now! (the 'just' was supposed to be repeated). I drew some kind of super hero called 'Ruby Black'. Of course, I'd colour her red and black. Then I plan on making a character called 'Emerald Blue'. She'll be Green and Blue, of course. Maybe I sould make a guy? Something like...dunno. Maybe instead I should make the band members of my band Suffocation Squared! Yo! How cool is that? I'll just make Hernes faceless! Haha! Na. I'll just make him a face... any face will do for him.
Friday, 22 June 2007
You get the idea, I don't think you'll like my blog picture (nobody ever comes to my blog!) but anyway, it's my style, LINKIN PARK! It rawks! It's not professional because I did it myself, just take some pictures and mix them together. But anyway, it's still Linkin Park and that's what matters, maybe I'll make a My Chemical Romance one, hmm... good idea, I'll go ahead.
Some of you out there (well, most of you, that is) don't like Linkin Park, you only like Numb, if I'm not wrong, those who came to my blog when it was born. Just born. A newborn...
So, need to sleep, it's 23:44 now. But I'm not tired, and I'm amazed. Well, not actually, I slept for 2 hours after I came back from school. It's 23:45...
Does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?
Anyway, to Kim: Yeah, I agree, 'Sabriel' and 'Abhorsen' rock more more than 'Lirael', my favourite is 'Sabriel'. I borrowed them from the library, and I have to return by 1st July. XP, but I read finish already.
There's nothing much eventful today, except for the Science lesson at school. Man! That burning cup was so cool! I mean, you could actually toast Nick over that fire (no kidding, he's so thin)! You could see it crumble to ashes, wow! It still glowed red after it turned black! You can actually see the flames licking the cup (which if I'm not wrong has pictures of tangram formations on it)! That was my favourite part of the whole lesson, save the talking with Cass and YT telling us to shut up. Come on! She herself can't even speak loud enough for me to hear when I'm only about half a table away (we leaned over, you see). =X
The revision paper's Q12.a and Q13.b were tough (as in the sense that I know the concept but I don't know how to phrase for Q13.b, Q12.a I completely have no idea what she is trying to see).
LINKIN PARK ROCKS! Once again, I don't know where that came from, ignore it. Cass (if you're even there), I did it! I got the key into that lock! Problem is, I cannot get it out. Thank goodness for my brother, if not I think it'll still be stuck there, and it IS still stuck there. I put it back in again, and once more, I don't know how to take it out. Sigh. XP I think I'll go get my brother, but first, a list of things that I need to do...
1) Print out 'How to buy a healthy kitten' and 'Letter from Margot'.
2) Pack my room.
3) Complete the constuction question in Maths revision paper (but first I have to find it, I have forgotten where I had dumped it after completing it...)
5) Find another battery for my mp.3 so I can...
6) LISTEN TO MORE LINKIN PARK AND MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE SONGS (not that I'm not listening to it right now, cos' I am)!
Short post, but a post nontheless (sp?), unlike some people who completely and conviniently forget to post (if you're one of them, sorry for insulting).
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Check out my list of favourite songs!
Now I think school is great, because that teacher Pat back at JC just...just...just...brings the hell out of me. When she says 'perfect', she pronounces it as 'perfeck'. No no, the 'e' is meant to be there, not the 'u'. She goes around asking: Am I pretty? I mean, what does she EXPECK (with the crabby patty accent) us to say? She is pretty? If you don't know how she looks like, go to my sister's blog. She's the total complete opposite! Even an idiot would have realized that! Oops, I didn't meant to call crabby patty an idiot, but really! She can't even tell that she's NOT pretty!
Anyway, today at JC, we was supposed to present on a country that we were supposed to be 'going' to. So anyway, I just found out that a 2 way ticket to London costs $2,900 Singapore dollars, anybody fancy a trip there? Well, I don't. My whole group wasn't here so lucky me, I didn't need to present (although crabby patty wanted me to present, but the supervisor let me NOT present).
There was one group, who presented on Beijing, China. First, they talked about the History of China. Wah, it was so boring. I mean, the history of China stretches back so long! Ms Tang (the supervisor) asked them to procede to the next thing after the history after about 6 minutes of complete ranting about the history, which I think wasn't even half of it, I think if they had continued, the history would last until 16:00. (for your information, they started at about 14: 43). Then after that, they launched into the places of interests, which were all temples, Lotus temple, dunno what temple, and a lot more. Imagine if they really went to Beijing and someone video them and put them on air. That show would gain a title called: Temples of Beijing, instead of Tour of Beijing. They were so monotone, so boring, I'll bet my life that if they were ever hired to speak on air, they'll be fired the moment they start. That whole cut-short-a-lot presentation laster for about 20 minutes, imagine if Ms Tang hadn't stop their ranting about the history and temples. They might just still be ranting off right now, if I'm not wrong, they'd be locked in and cannot go home...
I'm listening to 'In the End', now my brother's 9th favourite song, my 10th. People say that 'In the End' is the best Linkin Park song, well, I still think 'Numb' is the best, but you'll like 'In the End' a lot, trust me, hardly any screaming, if I'm not wrong, none at all. Best be save I'll rate it: Not suitable for the delicate mind. 'A Place for my Head' coming up... that song rawks too. In case you don't know, 'In the End' is a Single, you can find a lot of that song on YouTube, partly because it rawks! Sadly, 'A Place for my Head' is not a Single. But you can try listening to 'One Step Closer' too. That's also on YouTube. But 'One Step Closer' has the words 'shut up' repeated about 19 times. But the song's not bad, go listen to it, it's my 2nd favourite song, my brother's favourite. Partly because some of the actions by Chester was so funny (my brother and I agreed on it). Linkin Park songs supply me with lots of inspiration for my band songs!
When the paper's crumpled up it can't be perfect again
Don't forget inspiration from My Chemical Romance! My Chemical Romance rawks too, especially 'Mama' (it's a little wild, but there's no 'f' word in this song unlike some of their other nice songs, it reminds me a little of the 'Phantom of the Opera'...), hang on a moment, I haven't edited my favourite songs list in a long time! So anyway, gotta go! Death awaits me if I linger staring at the computer screen for too long, death that comes in the form of MY SISTER! But I'll never forget my band, though I have a feeling that it will tear apart because of us going to Sec schools... man, why such and inauspicious time to set up a band?
So anyway, WELCOME BACK! I'm back to writing long posts! I'm throwing a welcome back party for myself! Hope my post didn't bore you out. (Who am I typing to? Nobody ever comes to my blog now adays. I'm practically kidding the life out of myself.) But then again, I like my new sense of humor (which is not very obvious, there is meant to be one in this sentence alone) that I added into this post. I still think I suck at making people laugh, unless... I make a total fool of myself, but of course, that doesn't sit well with me. I'll rather sit with regret, or even DEATH! Well, I've edited this post about 2 times after I published it, I must say, I have a lot to say.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
fine, i noe it's all word and not that great but seriously, i made it myself.
i had forgotten i had de brains to think up of some words that completely make no sense or what so eva to u ppl out dere.
i jus love de stuff dat i make.
yes, if u'r thinking wat i'm thinking, i'm thinking that i'm too ego.
y am i toking 2 myself?!?
i must be crazy, yes that's it.
de reason 2 y i'm toking (rather typing) 2 myself.
i'm mental.
Call de ambulance! emergency admittance!
bye bye!
dis may b de las of my u'll see until my next post or till sch starts
(p.s. i dunno y (i think it's cos' i'm mental), but i miss sch n i want it 2 start! i can't stand de thot of going 2 sec sch...)
Monday, 18 June 2007
I-can't-be-bothered-to-think-of-a-title-but-I-already-created-a-title day
The worst part was catching the animals. Man! That sucked! 8 of the 11 animals that Jazlene and I got in our net escaped. We caught about 6 jumping insects (but 5 escaped), was it a pond skater? Once I got one in the bottle but it jumped and then I released it, it fell 1 metre and guess what? It escaped. *Sigh* If not 4 that lady in pink shirt, we would only have caught 2 animals. I almost caught some kind of a species of water spider. Sigh, so many got away. XP
Another song?
It was only a dream
One very big and special dream
A dream that everybody has
To have a sense of belonging
It's pathetic, I know
But it's true
I'm asking for too much
Far far too much, way too much
It's so much easier to stand up
And shield others
Than it is for me
To stand up for myself
I can't pretend any longer
I'm not who I was
Change is the word
I've disappeared
I thought I had everything I wanted in life
I thought I had become what I want to be
Then everything had to crumble to dust
You had to take everything from me
I know what you're thinking
That I'm everything but alive
That's what I thought so too
And that's what I still think I am
It's pathetic, I know
But it's true
I'm asking for too much
Far far too much, way too much
It's so much easier to stand up
And take the blame
Than it is for me
To stand up for myself
I can't pretend any longer
I'm not who I was
Change is the word
I've disappeared
I thought I had everything I wanted in life
I thought I had become what I want to be
Then everything had to crumble to dust
You had to take everything from me
How can I be what you want me to be
When you never groomed me
I've been kept in the dark long enough
For me to know what's for laugh
It's me, I'm the joke
I was, I am and I always will be
The light failed me
But it's meant to be
How can I be what you want me to be
When you never groomed me
I've been kept in the dark long enough
For me to know what's for laugh
It's me, I'm the joke
I was, I am and I always will be
The light failed me
But it's meant to be
Anyway, updating u ppl on the band, we've got a new member, and he is Hernes. We're not going 2 give his identity thank you. He does the guitars. I'm not going 2 disclose anymore information. If you want 2 join (which I'm sure u don't), contact us @ the tagbox of our blog.
Sunday, 17 June 2007
thirsty n in pain
is it a little crazy?
yesterday nite until 2day morn i watched 'School of Rock'. dat was 1 interesting show.
'bout dis man (Dewey Finn [sp?]) hu got kicked out of his rock band, he assumed de personality of his good fren (Ned Sneebly [sp?]) hu lets him dun pay his rent (Ned's gf seriously opposes dis) and wen 2 work in a sch as a teacher. his class (of 10 year olds) is very talented @ music, he rounded 'em up n made a band called 'School of Rock'. he tricked the pupils in2 believing (bcos' dat's his challange [he told his band mates dat he'll make a band better dan theirs']) dat dere is an assignment 'bout rock bands so dey'll work hard. he arranged 4 'em 2 compete @ de 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS'. but de day b4 de competition, dere is a 'meet de parents' day. he almost got caught by de police 4 impersonating Ned (Ned's gf called de cops). de whole class was very disappointed. but dey wen 2 de competition anyway after picking a very reluctant Dewey from his home. b4 dey performed, their parents were informed dat de whole class was missing, so de parents wen 2 de 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' n watch their children perform. when dey saw de performance, dey very happy. dey 'show everybody what we were'. dey lost, but de crowd wanted an encore (another song/repeat) from de 'School of Rock'. THE END!
(trust me, de show is more interesting dan how i described it. my description was boring, ain't it?)
how i wish Suffocation Squared can b as successful as de 'School of Rock'.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
How evil am I? Mua ha ha ha evil or *Cackle!* evil?
I... I... I... dunno
-You've looked at nudie pics online:
Never. Nudie pics suck.
-You've secretly wished someone harm:
Yes. My sis.
-You've kissed someone you shouldn't be kissing:
-You've said something so mean it made someone cry:
I don't think so, but others have said things to me though.
-You've done illegal drugs:
Never will.
-You've killed a bug:
Yeah. Once I chewed on a queen ant. It tasted horrible and vile and it stung. NEVER EAT AN ANT!
-You've spit in someone's drink:
No. I wouldn't like people to do that to me.
-You've sought revenge on someone:
Most of the time on my sister over accidental kicks and punches. I return it, hard.
-You've made a prank phone call:
No, no guts.
-You've turned people against someone:
Yes. Forgot who already.
-You've illegally downloaded music online:
No. I don't know how to.
-You've flirted with someone to make someone else jealous:
No. Flirting is not cool.
-You've told racist / sexist jokes:
If I did, then I don't remember.
-You've called someone the "c" word:
What's the 'c' word?
-You've made a promise you knew you were going to break:
I don't like to break promises or lie.
-You've done the "walk of shame"
What the hell is a "walk of shame"?
-You've corrupted a minor:
Well, yeah. Does having gangsterlike tattoos on my hand and shoulder in a corridoor in the Singapore National Eye Center with many kids consider?
-You've divulged someone's dark secret:
Yeah. I've told others who my sister likes - Ryan Oh. (What's his surname again?)
-You've made fun of a retarded person:
NO! Why would anybody do that?
-You've cheated on a test... or a lover:
LOVER MY FOOT! I haven't even found love! I've cheated on 听写. XP
-You don't believe in God:
No. I believe in God. God rocks.
-You hate kids:
No. I'm a kid myself. Why would I hate myself?
-You've gotten in a fist fight:
No. Mostly feet fight. Sister.
-You made someone's life hell in school:
Quite the contrary, I made a friend's life in school heaven.
-You've shoplifted or stolen from someone:
Never in my life.
-You've been so drunk you couldn't remember the night before:
I never drink.
-You've vandalized someone's car or house:
Yes. I don't know whether you count drawing on your school tables as vandalism because I do that all the time.
-You've made fun of a fat person:
Yes. Primary school.
-You have a fondness for disturbing pictures / anime:
-You've blamed a fart on someone else:
Not really, I just pretend that I didn't fart.
-You enjoy setting things on fire:
No. Definitely not.
-You've been arrested:
No. What the hell would I be arrested for?
-You've secretly backstabbed a friend:
What is backstabbing?
-You would choose your life over the lives of 100,000 strangers:
No. I'd rather die. Death is imminent and it cannot be avoided.
-You would kill for 1,000,000 if you were guaranteed not to get caught:
Money sucks.
-You've harmed yourself to get attention:
I harm myself all the time but I'm not sure about attention. +)
-You have a nemesis:
Sister. And Winifred.
-You believe in an eye for an eye... or even more for an eye:
No. But I do take revenge, still.
-You don't think lying to a stranger is a big deal:
In fact I do think it is a big deal, lying is a bad thing.
-You think giving to the homeless is wasting money:
No. I'm so surprised at myself for not checking that box.
-You'll pick evil over stupid any day:
No never.
-You aren't bothered by seeing others in pain:
I am bothered by pain you idiot.
-You'd rather have world domination than world peace:
For this, I'll be really honest and say I'd rather have peace. I hate domination because it makes you famous and you look like a dork in history textbooks.
-You enjoy very violent video games:
No. I don't even play them/
-You are disgusted by weak people:
No. I always feel sympathy.
-You would keep a wallet full if cash if it came your way:
No. Just returnit to the lost and found corner. Maybe you'll get a prize, but I've never gotten one for all the honesty I've shown. sigh.
-You rather harm an enemy than help a friend:
No. I have christian morals to follow.
-You've shot a gun... and liked it:
I've never shot anything before.
-You'd rather be a supervillian than a superhero:
Villians might be a fun role to play...
Just so you know, this feeling's taking control of me...
yea yea. de feelin' 2 put dat title. so, long time no post, i reckon no one's comin' 2 my blog anymore?
Wouldn't it be great if we were dead...
u noe, i don't like most bands/singers which are...
1) Chinese band/singers
2) All-female bands (wat if Suffocation Squared becomes an all female band?!? SCREAM! maybe hernes would so kindly comply 2 de band?)
3) Non-metel/emo/punk/alternative/alternative rock/pop punk/punk rock/comedy/Christian songs.
Final clarification, I don't like Avril Lavigne, S.H.E. (srry cass, i noe u like 'em) and Jo Jo (srry MC).
y am i telling u all this, not as if all of u gonna send me songs, rite? i'm bored outta my wits end.
Put your name to shame, cover up your face, you can't run the race, the pace is too fast, you just won't last...
You like to think you're never wrong...
You want to act like you're someone...
You want someone to hurt like you...
You want to share what you've been through...
My life, my pride is broken!
sigh, exactly like winifred... she changed sooooooooo much over the december hols.
2day i went 2 de Singapore National Eye Center to check my eye. sigh. degrees go up 4 both left and right eye, 100 and 50 respectively, now degrees is 850 and 800 respectively.
darn, i love my right eye.
doctor says eyesight is stabalizing.
i feel like laughing. increase so much still say stabalize.
den i had 2 put 6 eyedrops in each eye, 2 of 'em (de drops) stug my eyes like xiao. consider u'rself lucky if u dun hav 2 go 2 dat eye center. dey torture u'r eye like xiao. now my pupils become larger and will stay larger until earliest 2morrow, vision become blur, den my eyes receive 2 much lite, so brite. den dey shine de light in2 my eyes, my iris cannot contract (dey become relax after de eyedrop), den brite like xiao, dey dun let me blink. humph!
I wanna run away and never say goodbye
I wanna run away and never wonder why
I wanna run away and open up my MIND! [change dat 2 'I wanna run away and start to close my eyes ;)]
Linkin Park rocks! I dun noe where dat came frm, dun ask me. i jus listening 2 their song only, not against de law. wow. finally dere is a post.
I want to heal, I want to feel what I thought was never real, I want to let go of the pain I've felt so long...
Saturday, 2 June 2007
I'll Carry On
This blog might seem awfully quiet to you...cos' I've taken out the 'Welcome to the Black Parade' song so that it would not distract the video above.
For those who missed out the fun of Hossan Leong's 'Don't talk cock' in Parliament 'speech', this is really funny. =) For those hu failed their SS. +)
I'll carry on, even though my freaky mother wants me to go to Chinese tuition. XP I'm gonna die, HELP SAVE ME! This is probably my shortest post in like a million years. You can wait another million (divided by 365,000,000) years for the nest post. Which should be 2 morrow, if you calculated correctly minusing th leap years. So, bb! Enjoy the show!
Friday, 1 June 2007
My what-kind-of-friend-am-i test results
You Are A Loyal Sidekick |
All true...
On Average, You Would Sell Out For |
I thought I would sell out at less than 1 cent...
You Are 72% Creative |
You Are 4% Girly |
Yup, it's the best compliment in the whole wide world!
If You Were Born in 2893... |
And You Would Be: A Space Pirate |
This is weird...
Your IQ Is 105 |
Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional Your General Knowledge is Above Average |
Wow. I didn't know I suck that much.
table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>
You are most compatible with: B and AB
Famous Type B's: Leonardo Di Caprio and
Cool, cos' that's exactly what I am. B positive.=)
Your Blog Should Be Purple |
Amazing, but I prefer black, thank you.
Your 1920's Name is: |
My name's weird...
You Are 44% Perfectionist |
Cherrie should do this test, i fortell that she'll get 100%.
Your April Fool's Day Prank Should Be |
Nice, but april is over. Long over.
Your Life Is Worth... |
My life is worth that much!?!
You Should Rule Mercury |
You are perfect to rule Mercury, because you live for the present - and can truly enjoy a day that goes on forever.Like Mercury, you are quick and elusive. Your wit is outstanding, and you can win any verbal sparring match. Some people see you as superficial, but in truth, you just play many roles and have many interests.A great manipulator, you usually get what you want from people. And they're happy to give it to you. |
Actually, I think of the long term future more, like what will happen 2 our band...
Your Aura is Red |
The purpose of your life: embracing all the wonders of the life, lots of travels, and tons of adventures Famous reds include: Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Lopez Careers for you to try: Dancer, Boxer, Surgeon |
Yes! My fave colour is red! But sorry, actually i wanna b a singer. or a rapper.
You're Pretty Stupid |
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP) |
Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all menYou are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
I'm feeling? I'm amazed.
You Are 92% Pure |
Har har. It's just that i dun do anything extreme.
You Should Be a Musician |
Cool, band members, try this one out!
You Are a Little Messy |
See? Mummy? I'm not THAT messy.
You Are 56% Shy |
I'm SHY!?!
You Are 95% Pure |
I'm pure, i'm pure, oh i'm so pure. =D
Well, if you've been comin 2 my blog often, there's nothing much for the past few days...
Anyway, my new e-mail is '' any queries? My '' is flooded with junk mail. But u can still send 2 the old mail...jus dun send 2 my hotmail account can already. =D
Yesterday, I went 2 downtown, 2 stay @ the resorts. *sigh* I made my mother angry and then, poof, she disappeared off 4 like 2 hours. xP then i said srry, then we went for lunch 2gether. We came back @ around 13:05 2day. 2day escape was fun, except 4 the rain, it was darned cold. and guess wat? escape played 'One Step Closer' and 'Points of Authority' (by Linkin Park, that's y i'm so excited)! Whoo hoo! it was so cool! i mean, like such a big theme park and of all the songs, they chose these songs!
For the details, please contact Rachelle Lee at: But I hope you won't.
I've broken the bridge
That I've built in a hurry
I've tried to do this
I did them in a flurry
Why kick up such a big fuss
When you've got all day
If not, there's still
The day after today
Also known as tomorrow
If you need to help
With understanding
All that kelp
You'd do anything,
To poke your nose
Into other's business
The fairy would turn it to a hose
Go blow those mines
But ya got no control
Over the controls
So you went to Metro
To do some shopping
You picked up a doll
On the counter
You threw from the top floor
You got caught
You got sent to the police station
The police man said,
"You want do that go play station.
We got no time for you,
Or people like you,
Who wast our time,
Go find some dog poo."
Ahh, I didn't mean 2 be rude. I just needed 2 find something that rhymes, i'm better @ doing angst stuff. i cannot do humor. XP
Seriously, i think i'll rather be numb foreva than see YT again@ the end of the hols. Brrrrrrr.