Just 2 weeks ago I left my writing pad. Just this Friday I lost my homework file (which has my timetable in it as well as - you can infer from its name - my homework). I think I'm beginning to forget more important things.
I'd like to just screech my indignation to the world, but that's not going to make it better. First thing tomorrow, I'm going to go look for that damned file in B46 AND the SAC. If I can't find it there, then I'm screwed. Royally screwed. Because without my timetable I have no idea where to search. Or if I'm supposed to be somewhere during Protected Time.
Damnit, I only noticed that it's missing now, and I can't even be certain that I haven't brought it back and left it in some random corner of my house because I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING about it.
Sometimes I can be such a fool...