For one, I find myself surrounded by a population half constituted by males instead of the "all female with the random male teacher thrown in" profiles I've been around in RGSS. It makes for some rather interesting classroom entertainment (because, seriously, the guys have this strange, inexplicable tendency to embarrass their fellow male classmates), if you're not averse to them bouncing about like monkeys on drugs. Personally I think they're weird, but hey, that's just me.
One of the most disturbing things I noted was that girls don't seem to know how to conduct themselves -- especially when sitting. Some sit on chairs with their legs crossed as if the chair was the hall floor, others propping their legs on their other knee and baring their thighs wide apart. It wouldn't have mattered so much if their skirts weren't as short as Singapore is small compared to Russia. It's so indecent I don't even know where to begin. Perhaps I'm just being a stuffy prude, but I'd like to keep my legs closed, thank you very much.
Homework isn't too difficult, unlike what I was expecting -- perhaps only so because I'd been hearing horror stories about JC life. Whatever the case is, lectures are boring to the point of having levelled up their "put students to sleep" ability until they achieved "spontaneous slumber."
It is super effective.
Especially in Biology lectures.
Now I'm not saying that the lecturers don't know what they're talking about. What I'm more concerned with is that while I know that I don't know the content, I somehow can't seem to stay awake. Perhaps the lectures are dry, perhaps something about note taking just strikes me the wrong way, but damn it, there has to be some way of getting through a Biology lecture without nearly succumbing to Morpheus, who for some reason finds me unreasonably attractive during lectures and wishes me to join him in his realm.
So, here I am, being tempted (quite successfully, I might add) to marry myself off to Morpheus and live happily ever after in his land of forever slumber, with a terribly boring life to keep up with when I am awake. My choice should be pretty clear, but things can't always be as I wish them, and hence I am stuck with my continued existence in this plane of consciousness that does nothing but bore me and further screw up the mechanisms in my brain my insisting that I process more information than my poor grey matter is willing to.
Friendships between myself and someone else within my class are pretty much non-existent at the moment, most likely due to my detachedness and markedly icy countenance with every attempt at class bonding instigated by either the Civics tutor or some class effort.
I am not one for socialising, you must realise. I am incredibly awkward around strangers, especially those who try to include me in everything. If you want to get to know me, just be there, don't talk too much, don't ask too much, don't try to get me involved in anything. With time, I will warm up to you (whoever you are) and will learn to appreciate your company.
For now, though, things are still rather lukewarm. There are some people who are, in my opinion, trying too hard to get me involved, and others who look on and don't know what to think of my two-faced attitudes. Even I myself don't know what to make of my reactions, much less people who don't even know me.
I'm learning to welcome the presence of those trying to get to know me instead of merely tolerating their efforts (that, at best, I can only appreciate the intent but not the way they went about doing it, because I'm not your average student and I don't bond over sports), and I find this gratifying since I'm going to have to spend 2 years with them.
It's probably going to be painful if I were to endure 2 years of people tip-toeing around me simply because I don't give them the right impression off the bat.
Go slow, don't rush, let me come to accept you. If you push, I will distance myself. Let me come to you instead, don't make me claustrophobic with your efforts, don't be someone you're not. I'm not a pleasant person to people I hardly know, and you may not appreciate my brand of sarcastic humour once I'm comfortable enough around you to unleash it, and if you find yourself deterred by these, then you aren't going to enjoy being my friend. We'll settle for acquaintances.
Sometimes things develop differently and we get to know each other by rather unconventional means. That's fine. Just don't expect me to hug and hold hands like a good RGSS girl. Abstinence of hugs has been my modus operandi since Year 1; I don't do casual contact.
I don't like people interrupting my rhythm and plans. Stay out of my way, smile a little, and maybe I'll decide that you aren't just one of those people who want to involve me in the class just to show that you can. I'm not a tool for you to practise your people skills on. Go find someone more average.
...okay, I don't know how it devolved into a rant about my expectations of people and the way they treat me, but whatever. There's my rant, there's my personal discourse, take it or leave it.