Friday, 4 April 2008



Waddle was champion for the sports fest!
And in case you're wondering, I'm in Waddle house.

Rachel told me that some ex-Rosythian guy from RI told her that Baley was champion in sports fest. Baley is yellow.
So, now we tie with Baley from RI!!!

The order:

Champion: WADDLE!!! (Yellow)
Runner-up: Richirdson (Blue)
Second runner-up: Hadley (Purple)
4th (What do you call it?): Buckle (Green)
5th (Name?!): Tarbet (Red)

Anyway, we also won the banner design competition, although I think Richirdson's an Buckle's were loads.

Saa, it goes so show how large the generation gap between us and the teachers is.

Wadde: Waddle Weatherworks
Richirdson: Richirdson Reloaded
Hadley: Hadley Hairspray
Buckle: Buckle and Beyond
Tarbet: Tarbet Theatre

Mascots were a bit hilarious
Waddle: Waddle Duck (Wearing poncho hood, and sunglasses)
Richirdson: Spy with blue skin
Hadley: Monkey with a really exaggerated hairstyle
Buckle: Some person in a space suit who looked like Buzz Lightyear
Tarbet: The Phantom of the Opera...

Whee! My report is complete. Please feel free to pop by Rachel(1)'s house anytime to check on her sore throat due to extensive cheering that we all did (Except for Hadley. They didn't even cheer when they got first for some event that I don't remember.)

Er, on second thoughts, don't. I don't think she'd like thirty people (Ferrero: Not including me, of course, I'm too mature for that. Some Random Person: (Conks Ferrero on head) Yeah right.) appearing out of nowhere to in front of her house door holding a bunch of get well cards and flowers very much.

Ahem. Thank you for wasting your time here. You may leave now