Wednesday, 2 May 2007

(Negative) got TING XIE

No 听写!!!

Yay, yay!!!

No 听写, no 听写, no 听写, no 听写, no 听写, no 听写, no 听写, no 听写, no 听写 TOMORROW!!!

The bad thing is, it can get worse, for example the upcoming Chinese compo exam tomorrow...

I think I'm gonna fail my compo test...

But anyway, I'm not here to bore you with my REDUNDANT sour faces and bitter expressions formed by my wonderful face muscles (you can do it too, you know?).

I just wanna say...
MY FREAKIN' YOUNGER SISTER BORN ON 8TH NOVEMBER 1996 SAID THE FREAKIN' AND HORRIBLE 'F' WORD!!! *SHOCK* And Cass said my sister rawks, I don't think so... I've never thought so. =D How could you Cass!

So anyway, today I completely ignored teacher Pat in JC (Joy Connection, the name of my before and after school care, but only, it's not joyful...). YAY!!! When life hands you lemons, you know what to do!!! Sure I do. I just needed to stand up for myself.

Life handed me loads of lemons, especially loads of Science corrections. Brrr. Those pieces of materials made up of trees made me miserable as I had to do corrections AND it wastes trees... sigh, poor trees. The aim of our school's SYSF (Singapore Youth Science Festival) group from the GEP is to save trees, and the teacher in charge is Mrs. Teo. Then, may I ask (in a American accent), does she waste so much paper for homework??? =)

Guess what? Today we saw Gay-sha/Jaya walk past our classroom! Or at least, Cass, me, YT, ZB, Nicholas, Alex, Darren, Samuel, Shawn (the rest of Shawn's group I cannot guarantee that they saw him).

Ignored teacher Pat completely. Yay! Nothing very eventful then...

Internet was DOWN! I could not get to the net. Then, by magic, tadaa! Got internet. Sigh, internet connection is another unpredictable thing besides life. Sigh.

"When life hands you lemons, react as if it were a challange to test your internal strength (ability to stand up for yourself)."
-Rachelle Lee (ME!)