Monday, 12 July 2010

TAG! You're 'It'.

MY TYPE OF (MANGA) GUY [or manga girl]

Which is to say, describes my preference for characters in mangas. No, seriously. I don't exactly go 'goo goo gaa gaa' about any character in particular, so these are just characteristics I'd like in the characters who do appear. Because if the characters are persistently annoying...I'll drop the manga and pick up another one.

AnYan tagged me on facebook, by the way, but I'm posting it here.

The 'quiz' (meme?) starts NOW.

Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens.

if you're a guy - post this as my kind of girl..
if you're a girl - post it as my kind of guy..

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

Yes. As in, the manga kind of good looking. Any kind of good looking. If he looks too bad it turns me off as well. Mangas with horrible looking characters don't hold my attention for long because manga is all about the art, no?

If it's a girl, all the more. I get annoyed by girls much more easily than boys so, yeah.

2. Smart?

Yes. This is much preferred over brawns. Look, currently, even main characters of sports manga use their heads a lot.

Girls need to be smart. Or else they're going to appear really air-headed, and air-headed characters (especially females) can go drown in a pool of boiling acid.

3. Preferred age?

Late teens, I guess, although early 20s is fine too. They tend to be more interesting around this time of their lives. Too young = CHILDISH. Too old = TOO WISE (they don't make any mistakes, so it's not exactly very interesting).

4. Preferred height?

...165cm and taller. Short males are fine, as long as they fulfill most other criteria. I mean, it's not as if you can actually tell their relative heights to you in manga anyway...

Females have got to be 155cm and above if they're already in their teens. Short females are just crying out for me to disrespect them...

5. How about sense of humor?

Does not have to be present. It's perfectly alright for him to be unable to make jokes but as long as his attitude, reactions and behaviours are funny (whether he realises it or not) it will be

5. How about sense of humor?

Does not have to be present. It's perfectly alright for him to be unable to make jokes but as long as his attitude, reactions and behaviours are funny (whether he realises it or not) it will be satisfying.

I like female characters who are either sporty or serious, so go figure.

6. How about piercings?

Yes please! Only on the ears, though. Maybe exceptions in some places but definitely NOT on the tongue or any parts of the face. You can pierce as many holes as you want on his ears, so long as the lobe does not detach from the head. Of course, it depends entirely on his personality and status...

Females...I'd say it doesn't really matter. I mean, if I said yes, I'd be hating myself, which I don't exactly. Earrings for the more glamorous ones, sporty ones don't need to have them.

7. Accepts you for who you are?

Breaking the fourth wall much?

8. Pink hair?

...possibly. =) Wacky is good, too, although pink does fit Euphemia quite a lot even if she's not strange in that many ways.

9. Mushy or no?

Uh...maybe? Well it completely depends on their characters. I like the two extremes as well as the tsundere kind of characters. They're interesting to play around with.

(Tsundere: Used to describe a person who does not show his/her affection openly and expresses feelings like dislike instead, doesn’t want to show his/her soft side, wants to appear strong)

10. Thin or fat?

Thin. Not anorexic, of course, but Lelouch is acceptable because all the characters in Code Geass are stick thin anyway. I guess he is rather normal by Code Geass universe standards. Females have got to not have too much body fat.

11. Skin colour?

Exotic is good (dark skin + super pale hair!). Of course, pale is fine too. Yellowish Asian skin should be the best, though, since it is manga after all.

12. Long hair or short hair?

Both are fine. It really depends on the personality, type of hair, hair colour and such random stuff. I generally prefer male characters with hair that are long, though, but I tend to favour drawing males with semi-long hair. Females preferably should have long hair (lol, stereotype much?).

13. Plastic or metal?

It would help if I understand what this question was going on about...but metal, thank you. It's shinier.

14. Smells good?

OF COURSE. Unless he's a hobo or something. That's forgivable.

15. Smoker?

NO. But the act of sticking a twig between the index and middle finger and holding one end of the twig to his mouth does appeal quite a bit. Hands would be quite empty otherwise. If he was a real dude who stepped out of a manga or something, definite no. NO SMOKING OR YOU PAY THE FINE! Also, I am sensitive to air pollution, so yeah.

16. Drinker?

No thanks. Unless it's vital to the plot or something. Have you ever seen a 17 year old manga character downing beer like there's no tomorrow because his girlfriend broke up with him or he flunked a ridiculously hard Math test?

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

What? What does that mean?

18. Muscular?

Well-defined, please, but no overwhelming muscle definition. That'll be hideous. Gosh, imagine... I like male characters slightly on the thin side, as mentioned above. Or they can have no muscle definition at all. Females should NOT have too much muscle definition...definitely not.

19. Plays piano?

Yes. That'll be a nice bonus. He should have an appreciation for the arts. I like class (no, not class as in lessons, class as in elegance).

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

Bass! I like the type of characters who are important but also rather background characters. Meaning that no one notices their importance, so when they die everyone's world crumbles apart and they finally realise their dependency on this character, but all is too late...MUAHAHAHAHA!

21. Plays violin?

Violins are nice additions to portraits. They look good. They sound good too, very soulful, so if the character is one who is more in touch with his/her spiritual self, I say go for it.

22. Sings very well?

YES. I also like characters who stand out. A lot. You know the way lead singers are always the ones being crushed on? Yes, same concept (minus the crush).

23. Vain?

Haha. Maybe. *laughs* I wouldn't mind if he/she has quality to back up their claims. I also like characters who have lots of self-confidence, though not so much that their heads could lift them into the air. This vain-ness, of course, should last only up till something serious occurs, then he/she should completely forget about it and focus on the task at hand. Show your serious side!

24. With glasses?

Ooh. Nice. Guys would be nice with them. Girl...not quite. I'm not exactly sure why glasses look good, but maybe they do cover up flaws in facial proportions after all...huh. I'm gonna draw much more glasses from now on, although my glasses suck.

25. With braces?

Are you asking if I mind them or if I like them? I think braces are quite nice. They make a character easier to remember and define them better. It makes the character unique, and they also have one more thing to complain about!

26. Shy type?

Oh, I like both extremes. The flamboyant and the shy, both appeal greatly as characters. They have their own quirks and personality definition that makes them SO fun to manipulate... *insert evil cackle*

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?

Both. Extreme again. Rebels The nerds are...I dunno. But they are cool too in a much less outgoing sense. They're kinda docile, I guess, but there's nothing wrong. Oh! I get it, the nerds wear glasses more. So...I side with the nerds, maybe.

28. Active or passive?

Both, and neither. Don't make me decide! They're all great in their own way! The active make mangas much more dynamic and faster moving, the passive tend to focus on character development and the people in the middle are...a fine balance of both. I like action, psychological and school life manga just fine, thank you, provided the art proves to be satisfactory.

29. Tight or bomb?

Uh...both, again. Uptight people are fun. Their reactions are really great to make fun of. What's a bomb kind of person?

30. Singer or dancer?

Both? I think mangas about singers tend to revolve around spiritual aspects, like soul in the song and meaning of its words being conveyed through the tone of voice and everything. Dance is more of a physical thing, and the bodyline can be quite beautiful sometimes.

31. Stunner?

Yes, but hopefully not too much. It'll totally take the attention away from the plot (assuming the plot is good in the first place).

...or do you mean that gun in Star Trek where they use to momentarily render someone numb and immobile?

32. Hiphop?

Um, sure? This technically does fall under dance, right?

33. Earrings?

Oh, YES. Refer to whatever I said about piercings somewhere up, up above. I think earrings look great on certain kind of guys, and they're very nice things to add if you find your female character too plain or something.

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?

Uh...that would be an interesting character. Kind of like a gigolo or some play-boy, right? They'll be very fun and interesting to portray and/or read about. In a sense that they provide lots of comic relief, but on the other hand, there can also be a deeper, psychological meaning where they are not secure enough and yada yada, and the plot can thicken and so on. I like both.

35. Dimples?

Does that matter?

36. Bookworm?

Ooh, yes. Smart characters are good, remember? Of course, natural smarts is important as well, but we cannot deny the power of rummaging through thick volumes of Encyclopaedias and gaining fresh new insights to this rapidly changing world around us, no? Bookworms are good.

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?

Uh...if the love letter moves me, why not? I like manga that pull on my heartstrings. I seem to be reading a lot of these nowadays, and I'm loving it. I like that feeling of...oh, I don't know, of some sort of pang in your chest or something. It feels like I'm human, not that I don't know that I'm human, but well. Everyone likes some assurance.

38. Playful?

The kind that don't study for exams and still get good grades? Sure. The kind that likes to tie little ponytails out of some serious dude's nice blond hair? Go ahead. The kind that goes through girls like, I don't know, everyday? Well, I guess they're okay if they have some psychological trauma that's making them do that.

39. Flirt?

Uh, okay? I'm not particular about this or anything. You can be a gay for all I care, just don't rub your gayness off onto me. I'm Christian, 100% Christian. I do not want to be stained by yaoi or yuri. Oh, NO. *shudders*

40. Poem writer?

Ha, YES! Okay, I'm really into moving the heart and these kind of things recently. Everything about passive shows of affection to affection that is completely hidden (see Lelouch during the execution of the Zero Requiem, gosh, he's so...tsundere? Not really, but I just like the way he tries his best for those he loves). I like nice, enchanting, delicate (wow, so unlike me), meaningful, floaty kind of poetry. Flowery language, maybe? Of course, dark poems with a touch of class are great too.

41. Serious?

Oh, that, and those who completely lack serotonin

42. Campus crush?

Hey, who am I to dictate what goes on in their love lives? If it kinda gives them trauma or makes their personality interesting, way to go.

43. Painter?

Ooh! Nice! I'd like to learn from him, if I can, but seeing as the characters are in mangas...well, if they have deep meanings in their paintings, I say leave them be.

44. Religious?

That'll be nice, if the religion was Christianity.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?

Yes, yes, YES! Oh, those characters really are interesting!

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

I don't really see the difference, but I suppose that would be cool. Think 'The World God Only Knows'. That guy is anti-social to the maximum because of gaming, but I think it's cool.

47. Speaks 20 languages?

Oh, great!

48. Loyal or faithful?

This is a prized characteristic. Characters who are unable to feel attached to something tend to be a little sad. Of course, I think that those kinds of characters have their own merits too, like being able to write sad poetry (oh, what's with me and poetry). Well, it would be nice to have a really faithful and loyal character though.

49. Good kisser?

That would matter how?

50. Loves children??

Haha, doesn't matter. Depends on if he's intending to have kids in the future, but preferably yes, I guess, although I won't hate him if he doesn't.

Erm...I tag...Kimberly (Art Club), Zann, and whoever else wants to do it. I many exactly can I tag?