Friday, 3 August 2007

My Chemical Romance -

Bored with titles.

Just copied lots of stuff from the notes Mr. Grosse gave us. Yawn. That was boring, now I'm trying to memorise the Chinese words. Not that tough, I must admit, but half of those things that I learn would fly away at the sight of the examiner. Die lah. And I even forgot where to assemble. Die even more lah.

Today's PE was pretty fun. Samuel got kicked out of the game because of something he said and my group got 3 points! Yeah! Way above the groups standards but far far below the class' average, if I'm not wrong.

Maths was o-so-boring. We did a maths paper. Again. Bored to hell when I finished. Then I started (what else?) drawing.

Someone asked me this question: Would you rather live life with Linkin Park songs turned on at the same volume everyday or live in a life with only piano songs and you'll never get to know Linkin Park at all, I was like, WHAT THE!?! That wasn't a question! The answer's staring right in your face!!! Hello. 醒悟吧! The day I stop listening to Linkin Park is the day I die. Which would never happen cos' I'm already dead!