Wednesday, 23 January 2008



I just bought this black Linkin Park t-shirt on Sunday and it rawks!

Anway, I'm watching the Japanese version of the show, which has English subtitles. =D

I couldn't find the English one. But anyway, I'm learning Jap on the way!

Thursday, 17 January 2008 IN

Man, school sux.

It's only really started less than a week ago and I'm behind already!

1)I don't have a freaking CCA. =D
2)I haven't done my Chinese homework yet.
3)I don't know why I'm watching/listening to Danny Phantom now.
4)I saw my kindergarten friend, Zhang Rui (111) in RGS, but she doesn't know me...grr.
5)Dance Trials sucked. Got into round 2 and kinda forgot the dance that they showed us which we had to perform.
6)You know trials for performing arts CCA that has to du with singing, or playing an instrument, they make you sing scales and appegios?

Danny Phantom Rox!

Wow. Random.

Saturday, 5 January 2008

RGS is the pits

Orientation in RGS isn't even over yet! We still have one more week!

Just wondering , are you boys in RI done with orientation already?

We had to sit lectures, after lectures, after lectures, on CCA, Habits of Minds, CCA again, RGS History, CCA again, RGS History again, you know how boring that can get?

AND we still have another week to go! I just wish we'd start lessons right away!

And...uh...I think it was the two VPs (Vice-Principals) who interviewed me. Yikes! And after the way I described them after I came back fromt the interview...well, crap.

Then there's our badge and name tag. They're not gonna be given out until the 10th, which, 5 days away.

And the CCA trials are going to be the death of me.

If I change one CCA trial, it'll clash with another, so I just had to live with one CCA one day. Now isn't that fun.

I have Choir Trials on the 8th.

Then Red Cross on the 9th.

After that Guitar on the 14th.

Followed by Dance on the 15th.

Next, Shooting on the 16th

The day after, English Drama on the 17th.

Finally, Art & Craft on the 23rd.

And last but not least, Band on the 24th.

And there you have my jam packed schedule. And I still have to find two songs of contrasting styles to sing for Choir Trials!

So far I've picked "Untitled", but I can't decide on the next one. Maybe I should pick "Dirty Little Secret". You know, contrasting styles. Okay, after a while, maybe I'll do with "I'd Do Anything" instead of "Dirty Little Secret".

Anyway, House Prac. was today and I'm in Waddle! Quack!