Tuesday, 20 November 2007

I did this drawing, and I hope you like it.


I hope you like it. It's called 'Fly'. That's right, I'm going bonkers. I'm naming a work of art (not).

It's copyright.

You want it, just copy it, but stick in a 'disclaimer'.

Friday, 16 November 2007

hi there!

it's been a really long time since i last posted.

last sunday (11/11/2007):
I went to a new church for the second time. Second time as in I'm going to that church for the second time. The church is called Trinity Christian Centre @ Paya Labar (I think that's how it's spelt). My parents made me go to Ignyte (yes, it's spelt correctly) which is a session for 13-19 year olds. Honestly, bossy people. And for the first time in my life, I cried during praise and worship. It might have been the holy spirit.

today (16/11/2007):
last day of school! I've been looking forward to this day since 3 years ago when I was condemned to the GEP.

future; next thursday (22/11/2007):
argh! PSLE results!!! So that day I'll see whether I'll get 300 bucks or not...

far future; one month from now (16/12/2007):
i'm going to BeiJing! See ya!

far far future (21/12/2007):
i think this is when I need to go to RG (if I ever get in) for something. But I'll still be in BeiJing...

far far far future (22/12/2007):
i think this is when my trip to BeiJing ends. Ooh! I love aeroplane rides! They're the best part of going overseas, especially if the journey is very long!

far far far far future (25/12/2007):
CHRISTMAS!!! Merry Christmas! I hope I get lots of books for Xmas! I hope I get 'Twilight', 'New Moon', 'Eclipse', 'Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment', and 'Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever'! Well, I probably won't get 'em. I'll have to buy them myself.

Anyway, I bought my brother's and sister's Xmas present already. I just hope they like it.

far far far far far future (31/12/2007):
count down...

far far far far far far future (01/01/2008):
it's weird to type 2008 instead of 2007. But anyway, happy New Year in advance!

Saturday, 3 November 2007

I'm sorry God!

seriously, I'm sorry, God.

i did not say 'Oh, my God' (that's blesphemy), but I said the 'f' word. oh shit. 3rd time this year. first 2 times was because i was singing to a song with the 'f' word.

i was playing Uno with AnYan, Vera, YT, and WeiTing (I think) and I did something that was a disadvantage to Vera, and I heard her say something which sounded like 'f*** you.'

then i said, 'don't f*** me, lah.' even before my head had comprehended a single thing.

turns out Vera just said, 'frikin' you.' crap, right?

so i when i went home i deleted all the linkin park songs which has the 'f' word in them from my playlist, so when i played the list, i won't hear songs with the 'f' word. there were 3 songs.

i broke my no. 1 principle: not to say the 'f' word.

'oh shit' and 'crap' pretty much sums it up although they're humongous understatements.